
I feel like women all want this dude and they are just projecting this desire onto this dude and then imagining him raping them and they really like the idea but to assuage the guilt of this feeling they accuse him of rape. you heard it here first.

They need to either provide proof to the public or shut the f up. These sjw’s are trying to destroy this young man’s bright future without proof, just like they did to that couple who sent out emails in an attempt to protect students’ free speech before halloween. there is a problem at yale, and it is not the

They need to either provide proof to the public or shut the f up. These sjw’s are trying to destroy this young man’s bright future without proof, just like they did to that couple who sent out emails in an attempt to protect students’ free speech before halloween. there is a problem at yale, and it is not the

brain not fully developed you asshat, he was 15. stop trying to treat him like an adult. he had a very troubled homelife and this is more of a societal issue than anything else. we are all to blame for this tragedy.

he was 15 and his brain was not fully developed so stfu

really? well I stand corrected in that case. though I would like to hear the bubblegum version.

except one needs to be proven a rapist it court and this is not admissible (or even relevant) evidence.

if she had more control over them they wouldn’t have worked out great careerwise. if she was not allowed to sing on “since you’ve been gone” and someone else was, we would never ever have heard about kelly clarkson again. that is a great song and made her entire career. I know she had a couple other hits, but nothing

what an original reply. Is it still trolling if I am right and you don’t have a counter that is not sniveling? good luck irl.

I agree, the whole thing has been handled poorly, and I don’t think public emotion should influence or replace court proceedings. The whole situation is troubling and not without nuance.

haha, another concern troll vanquished, smell ya later.

lol Chris Rock owned her. she weren’t even invited to dem oscars, lolol. jps is not a movie star.

yea, that is what it seems like to you. that doesn’t say too much. seems like you yearn for the male touch and are angry because it is never directed at you.

you are totes right, she is a fame whore with no regard or concern for anyone but herself

I guess that is totally, absolutely what happened then. no chance of anything else. it’s almost like the police don’t exist. but I forgot, people never go to the police about this stuff because every single time the police don’t do anything and the man gets away, every time. so no need for evidence, no need for a

“is responding like shit” very evocative writing, really. no way this could have been said any better, hands down.

but you’re saying that he is certainly an abuser to make that point. her mother denied it as well. was she abused or manipulated or maybe she doesn’t care about her daughter?

is binging now a form of treatment?

Just because these things are common in certain situations, does not mean that they reflect what is happening in this situation. You cannot railroad a man, without pressing charges against him, or providing evidence of wrongdoing, by taking advantage of social media and victim culture. You are talking about the common
