no, you are a troll who replies with ad hominem instead of an argument.
no, you are a troll who replies with ad hominem instead of an argument.
no, you are totally a bigger, smellier ass hole than me. you are rosie o’donnell’s asshole. and I am right.
you are making a lot of leaps in this line of thinking. both kesha and her mother denied all of this in 2011, under oath. we’ll see what happen at trial, but she hasnt faired well in court so far.
sure I do. that does not mean that is what happened in this situation, does it? could it be that she was being honest under oath when facing legal repercussions? that is my opinion.
I think it does make sense. she denied the rape under oath in 2011.
rape/drugging etc... as she said under oath. obviously, she is taking advantage of the victim culture that we now live in, it’s very obvious and sad for real victims that celebrities will revictimize them in this way.
dr. luke must have been a dietician cause this b blew the fuck up.
nah, she’s just upset because she is fucking over so many real victims with this bullshit. she has also, clearly, been eating a lot.