Guns are a risk factor. A risk factor almost no one needs to take on. But yeah, the medical professional has brain damage, because that’s easier.
Guns are a risk factor. A risk factor almost no one needs to take on. But yeah, the medical professional has brain damage, because that’s easier.
Not all cars are sedans
If you don’t like your cow-orkers, then moooooove to a different department.
Again, you can’t WALK across the Windsor-Detroit border, let alone carrying some 40,000 lbs of goods (or however much that goes through said border on a daily basis).
And yes before any SJWs get bent
In my previous car, I took a road trip up to northern Utah for my now brother-in-law’s bachelor party. I pulled over a little after Cameron, Arizona, where badlands have created not just interesting sandstone formations, but also drifts if ultrafine powder all over. What looked like a wide, comfortable shoulder to…
Yes, because with Autobahn-style roads there’d be much less risk of going all-out. You’d have traffic moving at higher speeds overall (average speed on the unrestricted parts of the Autobahn network is nearly 150 km/h-93 mph). You’d have motorists accustomed to drivers coming up on them quickly. You’d have better lane…
For anyone planning to hit high triple digit speeds on an empty highway there’s a few things you should know.
Why do people feel this consistent need to film/picture themselves doing illegal things in cars? One of the worst I never understand is people that photograph themselves when they’re pulled over to post on social media. The absolute LAST thing a police officer needs to deal with is you fumbling around with a cell…
Very racist.
You mean literally translated. Transliteration is when you represent the sounds from one language in the alphabet of another. For example, writing Japanese words with the Latin alphabet.
Mmm... yeah, that’s not how real (normal) life works.
Had a version of this happen.
However I realized it the next day and called them and paid them. Because I’m an adult who does not condone fraud by anyone.
Earlier on Saturday morning, during the first run of the Amarante stage of Rally Portugal, Kris Meeke collided with…
Nope. This is how Baby Boomers write stuff. Self-important, overly wordy and pseudo-intellectual. I can literally HEAR the all-white New Balances and leather smartphone belt holster.
Call it the weekly Jalopnik hate bait.
No, I’m just pointing out that a frunk full of gold would by itself exceed the GVWR for the entire car.