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    There is something wrong with the digital code for the Spider-Man game. I wasn’t able to take the bundle to checkout due to “geographical restrictions,” even though I live in the continental US.

    There is something wrong with the digital code for the Spider-Man game. I wasn’t able to take the bundle to checkout

    To be honest, HfH and DotD spinoffs would be ideal. A season with Tilda as the antagonist and another solo Iron Fist outing would be about the worst thing Marvel could do right now.

    Tilda’s lyrics were so on-the-nose, they were basically a zit.

    There’s an obvious difference between behaviour that doesn’t impact anybody else and behaviour that does. My sexual orientation is none of your business, my foul stench in your nostrils is.

    Or Elizabeth dies and Phillip kills Stan and is exfiltrated to the USSR.

    His terrible, divorced-dad flirting at Missandei was excruciating though. I guess nobody's perfect.