Stephen F Roberts

I don’t use these filthy websites. Full of nothing but trans “women”. Men in dresses. Soft, feminine men in red lipstick a black choker and a huge penis in panties. It makes me sick thinking about them every single day.

All I could get from my dad was a Texas Instruments TI-55.

Fuck that. Say no to the encroachment of tipping into other areas of retail - bad enough that it’s expanded beyond restaurants.

I hope they don’t settle out of court. Fox news deserves to have their dirty laundry aired out for the world to see. 

I hope they don’t settle, everything comes out publicly from discovery, all of those assholes have to get on the stand and look like fools, and Fox News loses their ass as a result of this trial.

I used an old Dell laptop without a battery for about 2 years. This was back in my senior year of college and first year out of school. It was glitched to hell and back, literally could not turn it off or it would take 5-6 tries to get it to boot again. Also Dell discontinued the batteries and the aftermarket

I still miss the charm of the minifigs pantomiming everything and speaking in grunts, but I like that they went with voice actors to record original dialogue instead of using audio clips from the movie.

I cannot WAIT to play the inevitable very boring Canto Bight level, which is six hours long and takes up half the game, then tell people I didn’t like it, then have the internet tell me I only didn’t like it because I’m an incel, then have incels I hate defend me, then have my boss read what I’m typing about all day

What is going on with this game? I preordered it two years ago, and it’s been delayed like five times.

That beat the hell out of the Shyamalan movie, well done

She’s a technophobe racist who refuses to treat the android Data as a person, mispronouncing his name as a deliberate insult.

I disagree with the fast zombie idea, 20 fast zombies can be rationalized. They behave similar to animals not zombies. Your mind can accept them far more easily since it's almost like watching 20 tigers run at you.

To me, this is like Thomas and Martha Wayne being alive, or Uncle Ben for that matter. It's a core part of what makes the character work, and changing it just seems like a bad idea. It's also weird that they're going this way so soon after Doctor Who went in the opposite direction.