
I know I’ve disabled some notifications - is it possible that somehow the removal notification of these apps is buried in one of the mostly-annoying, seemingly-innocuous notifications we’ve probably disabled?

I just stumbled on this app - can't BELIEVE it's unavailable in Canada.

Learning how to communicate well is not a problem strictly for someone who might be shy and/or introverted, and I do not believe shyness is a 'problem', but an opportunity to highlight different strengths. At the risk of being overly sensitive, I think there is some good advice here, but clearly anyone can benefit

Big fan of Red Rose Tea (Canadian here). When I was a boy my English grandmother taught me to use nothing but boiling water, a drop of milk and teaspoon of sugar. Now I just can't have it any other way - I make a pot in the evening and have about 3 cups. Can't say the sugar is particularly healthy, and I'll

I like this clean, bookmark-list approach. I use the Chrome extension Newt, which does pretty much what you've described.

Jedi mind trick: I'll tell my 3yr old "You don't want to help me empty the dishwasher - it's pretty difficult". Suddenly she's jumping up saying "Yes I do!" She'll be four in a few months, but she's already starting to pick up on it. The downside is that when she agrees with you ("You're right - it's too


The last time you featured a story regarding start pages, a Lifehacker user posted about the extension he himself created - Newt. I use it as my start/new tab page now for Chrome. There are no active feeds or thumbnails, making it very quick to load, and all of the links displayed are easily managed through the

Hockey pucks & Tim Horton's cups! Lots of love for Canada!

We've been making our BLT's this way for about a year now (maybe once every other month). My wife weaves it and then bakes it in the oven in a tiny bit of oil. Deeeeeelicious! They're perfectly cooked, perfectly sandwich-sized, and well.. perfect.

Thanks for your reply! In this instance both users were using Firefox. No other tabs/instances open, nor other programs launched. I was using Win8, while the other participant was using Win7. Both users are located in Canada (I'm in Saskatchewan, and the other participant was in Ontario). It may very well have

Thanks Alan - I appreciate the feedback.

Has anyone tried this? I tested it (as a regular Skype user) and found it EXTREMELY laggy, with a good 10 second delay. Video had no improvement over my Skype conversations. While it's a great idea - no signup/no software - and a step in the right direction, in my location with my hardware & ISP this was not

She is very inspiring, but it's very fortunate for her that she's also got a grasp on pop-culture. If I did this I probably would have danced to Boney M's "Rasputin" and this discussion would be heading down a very different.. and dark... path.

Similar experience here up in Canada. My wife is a business owner while I am an employee at another organization where I received parental leave benefits. I went to a Parent/Baby class where I was the ONLY Dad in the group of about 20. The final class was a Yoga class. I've taken Yoga classes before, so I thought


Whitson - are you still using Menu Planner? I want to learn to organize my meals and I like that article, but I'm wondering if you've found a better tool/app since this article was published?

Absolutely true. just being a smartass.

So... Speed up mobile conversations by LYING. ;) I'll create a list of headline articles that can follow this methodology and submit them to you.

Nintendo Wii. We got in line like everyone else when it first came out. I bought Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Wii Fit. Used 'em all a couple of times. Lesson learned.