
So I'm guessing there was an implied culling of dogs and cats at one point as well?

Going on the train with Stefan’s mom leading to his death in the present seemed to be the “true” ending to me, due to the fact it brings you to the credits and doesn’t give you the opportunity to make another choice.

I love Jason’s articles, very well written and enjoyable. The Pao articles were really engaging and got me interested in the Bike cars. It even inspired me to import this 89 beauty!

Well, looks like Trump is feeling desperate and is going for the hail Mary to stop the Mueller investigation before the new House is sworn in.

He built his brand on the offensive, the tacky, and the tasteless.

Cool, so they have no right to complain about any decisions being made. If you can’t bring yourself to participate in our democratic republic then their voice will never be heard.

Is there any in-game reasoning of why there are no human survivors in Virginia besides those from Vault 76? If anything the area would seem to be a less viable target than Boston, Washington D.C., etc.

I got my first gig with them from Central Casting (free to register but you have to do it in person), and they are always putting up notices on Casting Networks (monthly paid background acting site).

From what I heard from other extras I think they’re still filming there for prison bits.

They’re still filming the last season at the moment. For anyone interested in the NYC area they put out notices for background acting work pretty regularly.

One day I hope to live to see the US become more democratic so bullshit like this can’t be forced through.

So...out of the list of judges Trump was given to pick out a candidate randomly, what are the chances that Cry-baby Kavanaugh represents a baseline of past sexual assaults they’ve committed?

Well, another good story to point out to cat owners who get their pets go outside. They aren’t meant to go outside, they’re domesticated. Nothing good will come of it. They can run away, kill wildlife for sport, or have wildlife kill them.

I’m sure whoever leaves the Whitehouse next will get a sweet bookdeal as they depart.

Yeah, I wasn’t suggesting that they weren’t “real” just that they can’t actually tell when you are lying.

What are the chances that Mueller already possesses some of these text chains?

Considering lie detector tests are bullshit and don’t actually work make that offer worthless.

It's far more disturbing the Stormtroopers might starve him long enough to make him eat a human prisoner. Heck, there is plenty of documented evidence that when humans get hungry enough they'll resort to cannibalism to survive...sometimes when they're not that hungry at all.