
Looks like having two black characters be on screen in speaking roles is still an artifact of the prequels.

It causes an even bigger disconnect.

He was holding the blaster like that on her the whole scene? Been awhile since I watched it, but didn’t they first hold the blaster on her from a larger distance?


They should renact the starfighting scenes after watching and upload the results to YouTube.

At least this stopped people saying Rei was her daughter. Always thought it was stupid to think they’d introduce Rei’s parents in an EA game.

Hardly a surprise, this man has no class at all. I’m convinced he’s going to drag this out as long as possible, possibly even telling his supporters that the election was “stolen” from them.

God, that was beautiful. That moment where he gaped and said “But Trump swore on a Bible” as if it meant anything was great.

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t make the beer taste bad enough they could claim parody.

Ah, but those Astromech droids can also help conduct repairs during a battle, something a flimsy A-wing sorely needs.

I think it will be inevitable that he’ll try to release it himself. I’ve heard his spending habits have become rather unsustainable considering his new pariah status.

Never said they were socialist. You can have socialist policies without being a socialist state.

Denmark has a homeless population of less than .1%

It’s weird to think the House of Mouse might be in control of such properties as The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, and the Orville.

I have a feeling that these negotiations, along with the fact that the television series sucked, hugely contributed to them cancelling Inhumans.

Are they going to have a sassy puppet cat for this one?

This show has really scratched my Star Trek itch in a way Discovery isn’t able to.

Of course there is a group of sea faring Navi’i. James Cameron is a master of the deep and couldn’t resist making his team do even more extensive underwater scenes.

I imagine you meant July 1, 2017, not 207.

Sounds like Henry is using some passive aggressiveness to tell Zack to stay the hell away from Man of Steel 2 if it does get made.