
The game will end with Mario taking over Bowser so he can finally have his cake and eat it too.

Announcement in six months: We are proud to announce that Metroid Prime 4 will have 100% less Samus and 1000% more of these guys:

They definitely won’t make enough. Nintendo likes to hedge it’s bets these days and have guaranteed sold out items.


Not really. It was a ME2 lithograph. Mass Effect had already exploded in popularity.

Nah, just selling my art. I needed money at the time because I was between jobs, wouldn’t have sold it otherwise.

Just remember to keep pieces like that in good condition. It matters a lot to the collectors.

Honestly that can describe any art collector, lol

*shrugs* Like all art it’s subjective. At the time I was between jobs and needed some money and the market was good.

It came out a bit before ME2, a lithograph of the planet Illium. So I think technically an ME2 lithograph.

I imagine some out there would still pay a pretty penny.

At the time I wasn’t expecting more than 2 or 3 hundred. Multiple bids made it skyrocket.

Limited edition numbered video game lithographs can actually be pretty big investments.

Some spectacular wardrobe on display. I’ll be looking forward to seeing cosplayers display them at upcoming conventions.

“Why, I say to my distinguished colleagues that nothing circumspect was happening! I was simply showing the Russian Ambassador some good ok’d fashioned Southern courtesy!

Whatever do you mean, fellow human player? Let us continue to harvest the XP while inviting our good friend Jeremy to talk about the extreme fidelity the game is achieving in this storm!

Do... do they really think players talk that way with each other in a game like Destiny?

Just curious: any idea how much this would have cost you if Trump(doesn’t)Care was in place?

I usually use a rule of thumb about numbers: if a quarter of the party has died/is dying after any given round definitely consider retreating.

Again, it’s knowing when to run. Not when you’re just about to die, when you know you probably will die in a few rounds.