
So I’ve been out of the Star Citizen loop for about a year and a half now. Seemingly it’s somewhat playable now?

That’s fine. It’s ok to have different viewpoints.

Nah, not a full on Tarkin. A full on Tarkin needs you to be dead when they do it.

Media or her red headed step child Social Media?

Yeah, but I’m sure the First Order are the forgiving type. That nice young man Kylo Ren will have to give her a stern talking to, the type his grandfather used to give to those that failed the Empire, and all will be square.

I really, really want this to be a great series.

I think it serves as a suggestion from Blizzard.

I’m kind of relieved they aren’t going to be pulling a “Tarkin” with her.

I’d rather see a TR-8R comic. Now that was a stormtrooper that did something, had a badass moment and then was taken down.

Ooh, and each time she can betray whoever she’s working for in a different way before she’s shoved into one?

She barely qualifies as an inept lackey, let alone a villain.

I thought at Disney parks they frown on visitors coming in costume for fear people mistake them for their own performers? I was pretty sure, at least for Disney World, this sort of thing was outright banned.

Another tool for the modern single adult.

Mmm! When you want delicious food you know you can trust a Titan!

Don’t be a hippie.

I’m kind of hoping zeppelins can collide, if only to make for an interesting video.

Zeppelin Mass transit options?! Now I can create a silver age steampunk city of my dreams.