
Hopefully one day in the future we might be able to harness the power of Jupiter’s Aurora and possibly even place a station in one of these cold spots.

Now everyone on PC can enjoy the hariest legs in the universe!

What a brave man. It sucks that he might lose function in his arm, but it is good that his selfless actions were recognized.

Logical mash up, well done.

Little disappointed that the person watching couldn’t just move the real world items to influence events.

Jesus is already on a super hero team, thank you very much!

Japan, do you want Molemen? Because this is how you get Molemen!

Yeah, I have parted company with them.

Yup, it’s mostly because FedEx and UPS just don’t have enough trucks to do the deliveries. Most of their packages keep getting rerouted through USPS because we have more personel and vehicles.

Also they tell us when in doubt: don’t deliver the mail.

From when I was working as a carrier last year we were told the USPS handled roughly 2/3rds of Amazon packages.

Ocular Pat down bro!

Yes, eating and drinking while walking is considered quite rude and boorish. People won’t mention anything though, they’ll just think you’re being an ignorant gaijin.

I wish I had known more about these last time I was in Japan. While the arcades there can be awesome they can feel very cramped, loud, and labyrinthian at times when it comes to the multi story ones.

Oh Penitence...

Well, I suppose it was foolish for any of us to believe he was waiting for Obamacare to fail before introducing a new Healthcare plan.

All hail the Manchurian Orange.

Makes me glad that I naturalized, though I suppose soon enough ICE will be going after any non-US born citizens in this brave New tangerine world...

Under what circumstances could they have thought going into a house with legal residents of the US was ICE business? Are people starting to report their neighbors because they are foreign born and then they don’t bother to look up the documentation at the office?

Because he’s unable to get erect?