
Yeah, for the past half year at least.

I was hoping after last week’s Pokemon comic that Awkward Zombie had finally gotten past Metal Gear after months of exclusively doing comics on it. Seems she can’t kick the habit.

For reason another poster mentioned they would still be considered non-kosher.

Maybe those parents should look into the parental controls...

Generally speaking: I thought it was good. Not a great movie, the characters were too generic, they had issues emoting, they were generally shallow.

It’s amazing how much some people pay for gaming tables like these. Makes me wish I paid more attention in shop class.

I’m glad she was able to have such a big impact on so many people’s lives. I hope her family fares well in this terrible time.

It’ll be fun in ten years when they convert this area of the park to a Star Wars section, this expanding what they are already building for Star Wars.

For one glorious second I thought it was still Sunday. Oh well, guess my life isn’t a Christmas movie.

What is everyone’s favorite new Pokémon or Alolan Pokémon?

Looks like Montana Resources’ geese might be cooked.

Nuke the park from orbit, it’s the only way to make sure this situation is resolved with minimal bloodshed. . .in the long run.

Why would it use struggle when it could use bounce?

It’s those “special” beans that he eats. Makes him all forgetful.

HM Mules/Slaves are a thing of the past. No longer needed in Sun and Moon.

What are your impressions of Sun and Moon so far? An improvement on previous generations or just more of the same?

I just use a clothing mod myself.

I still have PTSD style flashbacks from this one.