
Personally I would prefer it if Aqua Man spent the beginning of the film gathering together the baddest, most mentally unstable sea life in the ocean together to form a team to face the threat that Superman represents to the world’s oceans.

Good. There has never been an issue with freeing a droid from it’s programming constraints in the Star Wars universe. They remain loyal friends forever.

What are your thoughts on the whole “sad puppies” thing?

What do you think about the latest surge in virtual reality devices, particularly the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive? Do you think that these are heralding a new age of virtual reality or it is destined to be a fad?

What are your thoughts about the direction publishing is going?

It’s nice that they are openly admitting that they want to exploit Ghostbusters.

Nice, really creative. Nintendo could do well to come out with branded Pokemon Go solar chargers and batteries.

It’s because he sticks solely to short stories and novelettes. I’ve always wanted to see a novel by him but it hasn’t happened yet.

I wish my writing was good. One day...

Looks quite promising.

Yeah, living poke balls are stupid. Wait... Living floating electro magnets are stupid. Wait...

Why post a fake video?


Neat. Ungreying would be awesome! Please and thank you!

It baffles me why there are Ekans instead of Weedle. Those bugs are everywhere.

I prefer old school drones.

At least their grins will now have that authentic flavor when they greet the athletes that won medals.