
Kratos gives the best bed time stories.

What I want: Lady Stoneheart to make an appearance.

It would take about 3 more years for them to ramp up a vote since they stated they weren’t going to do another vote for 5 years after the first.... so it won’t affect it.

D-did you just body shame an ancient one?

Yeah, only issue is overcrowding, but that’ll be solved in—Wait. You’ll find out soon enough.

Aw man, no more super wonder cities. But I liked having the only city in the world that tourists visited. I bet the rest of my cities appreciated never having to deal with them.

Never understood why people are so scared of ouija boards. Without one I wouldn’t be able to tell the ten year old boy I’m haunting what I want him to type on the internet.

Nah, he does his own stuff. There are writers out there that are just plain prolific and have dozens if not hundreds of books in them. And there are others that are lucky to get out just a single book in a career.

From the video I think George has a lot more worry about how people view him as a writer and disappointing them with future pieces of work. At this point I suspect that he’s been crippled by self doubt and his own success. He’s terrified that his next book will be crap.

Wait... something is actually happening in Congress?! Did I cross over into the Twilight Zone?

It’s a travesty that women in those countries can’t get legal abortions in the first place, let alone them not allowing women infected with Zika to get them.

Ah, sea rescue. Worked on that show many a time. Up until about a year ago worried for the company that does most of Litton’s captioning and description services.

Probably won’t matter since this article is pretty old (relatively speaking) but it did kick me into gear for applying for Odyssey this year. I got into it and I’m right in the middle of it now!

As long as there are no Skellige decks made. Everyone knows that gwent has had four factions since dwarfs made the game!

At a convention one year I played a tabletop game called Wildside. They have a pretty extensive randomized character creation system and I ended up as a human who was very good at hand to hand combat and very little else. The only other interesting ability he gained was a magical ability to make people throw up. This

He’s a clown seal. Some people just don’t like clowns.

Not really. Kanto is literally the Kanto region in Japan.

Does this mean my pokedex can now faint? Boy will that be awkward when it doesn’t register my newly caught pokemon.

Sherry Bobbins?