

Maybe I’ll work on a novel form of that idea during Odyssey.

I need to write a movie called “the Team of Super Public-Domain Protagonists!”

Yeah, already addressed this in another reply. We get into the details.

I wish I lived in a world where movies didn’t have glaring plot holes and inconsistencies. One where narrative was important.

Oh, I hope they do address it, but I think Pegg is going for “ignore it” which really just turns it into a giant plot hole.

Janeway is a terrible mother, she completely abandoned her lizard babies.

You use astronomical data to use the trans-warp transporter to send probes and sensors into deep space and then use it to retrieve them.

Not particularly. You can utilize one of the many arrays that the Federation employs to observe astronomical phenomena, find other planets, determine locations, and then send probes with the trans-warp transporter to get more accurate information.

All those things you mentioned either still need space ships in some form or are powers verging on magical that are held by creatures that have no intention of shipping people around the universe on demand.

Which was also blown up in a joint Federation/Dominion operation.

Well, at least the artists who get chosen are going to pay. But it begs the question: at the rates they are offering is this just a new way of getting digital assets and artwork for a feature film cheaply?

With the exception of Iconian gateways (which, after discovery, are always destroyed by the end of the episode) they’ve never invented anything that completely rendered space ships obsolete.

1. Transport probe into upper atmosphere

Because Jean-Luc Picard destroyed the last operational facility on Iconia. There was nothing to reverse engineer.

Hey if they want to come out and say the last movie was essentially crap I’m all for it. Star Trek has a rich history of having some truly terrible movies. They should just say they were following in their predecessors footprints.

Why do they even have a five year mission when they invented trans-warp transporters in the last movie? They don’t need space ships anymore.

The DC logo they’ve been using for the past few years has been garbage anyway. Pretty much anything at this point would have been an upgrade.

“This time Babylon will rise!”

Nice! I want to see more rival game series do something similar. Call of Duty goes further into the future? Well, Battlefield will just go further into the past!