
Yes! The rumors of it taking more than a year are dead! LET US FEAST ON THEIR REMAINS!

This photo will definitely follow this kid into adolescence.

I’m surprised that Sony’s agreement with Marvel didn’t cover stuff like this. It could really confuse the average movie-goer that this has nothing to do with the new Spider-Man.

Nah, holodecks are self cleaning.

Ah, the wording got me.

Wow, where is the rage coming from? I didn’t even say anything bad about Enterprise.

Seems legit.

It really kind of fits with Riker’s character and the last episode.

Could they build a hyperloop next to or even above the existing highways in the US? Perhaps bundle it together with repairing and updating the crumbling highways themselves?

Yeah, I really loved it in Majora’s Mask when Link had to go to the Ocarina of Time world to fight Gannon and then he traveled to the Wind Waker universe to find...

What I would really love is revivals of shows like this as actual game shows again, but with the twist that all of the contestants are previous contestants going through the same stuff.

So what makes this unique compared to other MMO’s past the intense character creator?

Yeah, I want them all, not just two. There are a ton of different timelines at this point.

Now playing

That Stonehenge easter egg just makes me think of this song.

I guess, sorta? I more interested in an action/rpg blend of a more traditional Zelda game, rather than the sort of gameplay of Dynasty Warriors.

Well, I’m sorry. I really just want to see that car moving.

I dunno, that shirt already looks pretty distressed to me.

At this point the Zelda setting is a multiverse within itself.