
I thought the blood dragon cave was just a nod to Creationists to think that humans frolicked with Dinosaurs like Fred Flintstone?

So far I haven’t seen any way to upload pokemon from red, blue, and yellow into pokemon bank. It doesn’t seem to recognize them.

I refuse to call this things hoverboards.

Actually the US is the biggest seller of arms in the world.

Nah, it can only use growth, harden, double slap, and withdraw.

Would the penis also be able to do a wrap attack?

It would be pretty useful if you want to steal data while time traveling to the past and don’t want people to notice your future technology.

I bet you just like for Fallout 4 modders it will be much more difficult to work out the physics for a male snake alien monster’s penis.

So what’s Brazil’s plan on all of these babies they are forcing to come to term that might have severe brain damage and developmental issues?

The US already outspends all of those places on the military. A ten percent cut to fund NASA efforts wouldn’t really hinder US defense.

Actually they can be pretty rounded and less pointy on the end.

At least he was able to find love!

So you’re saying it would develop some sort of large-testicle creature? Interesting, interesting...

It would be interesting (intellectually, ethically it would be monstrous) to see what a Y-Y human being would look like.

I’d honestly love to see what NASA could accomplish if they were just given 10% of the US Military’s budget from this point forward. Have a few less tanks, a few less pointless billion dollar fighter jets, a few less pointless missiles.

I’d like a mode where you could play the campaign and have half of the fighting be in-game instead of cut-scenes.

I’ve heard a certain number of consecutive notes of a song have to be used for it to be a copyright issue. Anyone knows if this would apply to this situation?

Here you go:

What would you say to my fiance about Australia? I’ve only been when I was a little kid and I’ve always wanted to go back. Unfortunately I can’t convince my fiance to come on board since she is convinced that everything on the continent will attempt to kill her. I’ve tried to dissuade her from that notion but I

Tony, that’s racist.