
A lot of explosions in this trailer, Kirk on a motorcycle doing a gravity defying jump...

He seems to have a thing with high rises.

Another interesting tidbit from the war of 1996 website is the acknowledgement that aliens survived on at least one of the ships that landed in Africa.

You am partially wrong. He think it ugliest. I think it backward thinking for old century.

Good. It’s been too long since we’ve had an opportunity to release the mole people upon the surface world.

Makes you wonder why they don’t just make a mesh-like grid of lightsabers to go over their snub-fighters.

So it doesn’t matter what the size of the beam is anymore, eh? Lightsabers can protect you from anything.

The Battle for Bunker Hill comment seemed to actually be a valid one. Perhaps in scenes like that the game should turn off the invincibility of children if they’re meant to be part of a battle.

I hope they just adopt Maritime law for anything found in space. We’ll all be goddamn space pirates!

Mom: “You know, the gardener had great results for lap band surgery to get rid of his weight. Maybe you want to...”

Awesome, thanks for the info. Haven’t been keeping up with this show as of late.

Wubadubdub’s Faith in Humanity: -10

Does this episode answer the question of Sabine’s origins? Is she actually a Mandalorian or is she just wearing a suit of their armor?

Definitely the coolest Stormtrooper in his squad.

You know what? I’m utterly astonished there hasn’t been a hipster flavored Kickstarter that was geared towards selling one of these old-timey pedal-less bikes.

Does Trump not have a mirror in one of his homes?

Considering how close Kepler 438B is to its parent star there is a significant chance that the planet itself is tidally locked so that one side of the planet is always facing the host star while the other is always dark.

$2500 for an bad Kickstarter that will end in failure?!

Naw, somebody will just turn this into a kickstarter for 500 bucks a pop. Then after they get all of the money for it we’ll be hearing in about two years how they failed to predict how much money they actually needed for the project. Finally everyone who threw money into the pit will have much gnashing of teeth.

That’s going to need more than a buffing to fix.