
...and the call is coming from inside the house

C’mon, Japan...I want to love you, but between this and restarting the whale hunts, you’re making it very difficult.

“I was scrutinized a lot of my life because so many people took photos of me sneezing (snorting coke), looked like I was crying (snorting coke).”

A person who can not listen is the worst type of person. Thank you for watching this trite for me because I think she would make me bleed from the eyes if it was my job. 

I’ve been working at a coffee bar in a store that serves a lot of celebrities and ridiculously rich people and this sounds like the kind of small talk I have to maneuver my way through far too often. It’s as uncomfortable in real life as this scene makes it look.

CP: Are you from Hot Dog Weekly?”

Just wow.  I have two small ones and I try to think about how the kids will affect others, not who should cater to me regardless of how much of a pain in the ass I am.  Those kids are an extension of me and their behavior reflects on me.  We don’t go to fine dining places/romantic places with the kids.  I know it’s a

The life of the newly adult hipster is hard.  So very hard.

Please identify these great diners that ban very young kids during dinner times, I will patronize them exclusively.

My general rule when my son was young was that if he was not disturbing other people then we would stay. Granted we didn’t take him with us when he was still and infant because A) there was nothing there for him to eat B) no one wants to hear a screaming kid while they try to enjoy themselves.

This was my exact thought also. A new policy created just after this guy had a baby screams “holy crap we found a way to get rid of this douche”.

This entire comment is poetry.

Methink the lady (or entitled Dad) doth protest too much.

Well, it’s a new policy, so the only possible explanation is that they heard he had a kid and they wanted to show him that even though he put them on the map, they didn’t want him around any more. It’s so obvious.

I try very very VERY hard to be patient but the sound of children screaming is so aversive to my ears, it puts me in a dark place. I can’t handle it. I think its really cool that some places don’t allow children. I feel like the whole world caters to families, so its nice to have a place just for adults. 

Not only that, but this part:

You are indeed overreacting, Sam. You can tell because you had to include this part:

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

Influencer is an insult to people that actually work.