
And the world would instantly forget about it, or treat it like a relic from a bygone time? Not likely.

EXACTLY. He had no one to tell him “No, that’s an awful idea,” to the myriad of mistakes that was the prequels. 

Oh, I’m well aware of the ludicrosity that is Anakin’s birth story. 

That might be the first time ever I’ve heard 1-3 have great connective tissue and ideas. I feel like they were made by someone who had a vague memory of the original trilogy. The jedi, an “ancient” religion that just happens to be at full power 20 years ago? Whoops. Anakin has no father and is a miracle birth? Yikes.

This isn’t an article about the “best” games (which in and of itself highly subjective) but the most important.

My god you’re so right about Chipotle. Every so often I stop and notice a small difference that has lowered the quality of the experience. Most recently they switched over to plastic cups for their drinks that are literally the most flimsy cup I’ve ever used. Every time I try to put the lid on I feel like the plastic

Same, we got a little behind and opted for Mutually Assured Destruction. I think there was a good mix of puzzles, and a lot of stuff that split the group up so multiple visits would still be worthwhile.

I’ve done three, all in the Chicago area.

You’re saying *don’t* fill a bowl all the way with cereal? I’m not sure I understand. If you don’t chuck a heaping mound of Cookie Crisp into that bowl, then there’s still room for more Cookie Crisp. Why would I deprive myself?

Isn’t this John Mulaney’s joke, but with Tom Jones?

I don’t believe people are as upset with him because the movie and role were poorly done. It’s because he was an absolute terror to the rest of his cast. That type of behavior is not acceptable in any kind of workplace.

Do you hang out here? Every Star Wars article on io9 now has to include a mandatory mention of how great TLJ was instead of letting the topic die because it drives comments. If you feel alone it's because you're not paying attention.

This is a result of never having been bullied, beaten (either at competitions by peers, or physically - by parents/extended family/busybody neighbors), and having been instilled with a sense of hope that anything was possible. They’ve been made comfortable. Their world has always been safe.”

What’s funny is the article io9 directs to says this:

I would rather work with 67 Megans than one Laeiykynn or Haeighleigh.

And where “Nick Bosa acts like a turd” is painted positively.

No one’s saying the Patriots have been bad. They’ve clearly been the dominant team. But the Jets, Dolphins, and Bills have been pretty consistently awful, at best mediocre. It’s rare there’s a year when they’re in the conversation for a Super Bowl run, let alone the playoffs.

I can’t speak for every restaurant, but in Chicago the restaurants I’ve been to that have such a fee make note on all their menus. It’s also often posted near the entrance or at the host stand.

What’s sad is Commissar Yarrick is the most badass of all the Commissars -even Ghazkull has mad respek for him. And not only is he not mentioned, but then Gaunt and Cain are 1 and 2?


I’m guessing this means you didn’t explore it much, but having to rewind at times absolutely still affects the viewing experience. Without spoiling anything, just... it matters.