
Very sad to see there’s no love for the incredible Ruben Rubasa here.

You know, it’s just like, The Wolfman is there but you bump into him and have a little meet cute, then you go get beers and like, maybe now you’re friends! There’s a monster, but it’s not HORROR god forbid.

Same, I think it’s wonderful. Zach Woods is killing me he’s so good, and a lot of the best humor is incredibly understated. Amazing throw-away lines that you have to be paying attention to catch.

I agree that’s part of it, but let’s be honest that an even bigger part is that a huge, marquee star pushed super hard to make this happen. All the props in the world to Margot Robbie for her work on this to bring it to reality.

I can say that I was not a huge fan of the movie, and I also never really read the BoP comics at all so I didn’t have preconceived notions about any of the characters. Thought the trailers looked decent, but ultimately felt let down.

I have to disagree with you there - Valve may have a nice online platform but I can’t imagine they offer the streaming games that Nintendo Online is able to. Classic NES and Super NES games like The Legend of Zelda series, Metroid, and more. Nintendo just has some things that Valve will likely not ever be able to

I totally get the appeal of having a digital library, but physical copies of Switch games could not BE any more portable! I have a carrying case for travel to protect my switch, and it can carry at least 3 dozen Switch games - more than I’ll ever need travelling because really all I need is Breath of the Wild and then

I know I was asking you to read between the lines a bit, but I’m talking about TLJ in the first paragraph. It was frustrating to not enjoy the movie but not be able to point out the flaws without being lumped in with a certain group. So I don’t know why you’re coming at me with this heat...

I’m saying the opposite, and pushing back against those that assume any criticism of that movie is rooted in racism and sexism.

That said, it’s impossible to ignore that TLJ did see it’s share of vitriol from people (and bots, as noted above) who were mad that people who didn’t look like them were in the movie. It

Now imagine having those feelings, but a more vocal group hates the movie for shitty mysoginistic and racist reasons. Those people suck hardcore, but if you dare speak a word of ill about the movie, you’re immediately lumped in with those shitbags.

Unfortunately the very real threat of losing a minimum wage paycheck by walking out - and therefore not being able to pay rent, buy food, etc... - is much scarier than the possibility of getting crushed in the bombing of our asshole president’s shitty building.

So... videoconferencing?

Came here for this exact response. This vitriol will make a lot of peoples’ lives difficult, but most certainly it affects those at the top less. Every twitter troll that calls for Kathleen Kennedy to be fired has about a .00000000000000000001% effect on her day, while the movies themselves have had a pretty lucrative

It seemed apparent to me in 7 and 9 that Rey wanted to BE somebody. I only saw 8 once, so I don’t remember if it comes up much other than the lineage reveal - it was a while ago and 2019 has been LOOOOOOOOONG.

Robert Baratheon is immediately interested.

Whoa... that IS dark! Literally, because our planet will become so filled with smog we won’t be able to see the sun.

You know Dark Space Force won’t be far off either.

Except the Jedi weren’t the only people that “believed” in the teaching of the Jedi - they’re just the folks that can use the force. That’s like 10k of the highest ranking catholics in the church, as a better comparison.

Unless we want to believe that regular folk saw the jedi flipping around using magic and just

Haha, it’s true. Just like I’ll still defend some pretty awful movies from my childhood. The Running Man is great I don’t care what anyone says.

Another person commented about this, but none of that makes sense in the context of the original trilogy. You could maybe have argued that Tatooine was far enough removed that that specific planet had forgotten, except that the Prequels even ruined the plausibility of THAT, too.