
Disagree - not about Scrooged, it’s a classic, but there is one other excellent reimagining and it’s the Muppet Christmas Carol. Just a delightful movie.

“Coughlin... certainly hasn’t given any indications that he’s able or willing to change his management style...”

I’m just happy to see it recognized. Happy Joe’s taco pizza is ny childhood. Thankfully Roots Pizza here in Chicago comes close (but lose the strips and get it cut normally).

That’s not really indicitive of any oddness. Sprinklr is a social management tool, one of the most popular ones. Most likely they’re using it to more easily manage the mutliple FC accounts.

You beat me to it! Bortles ALMOST looked like he could be better than he is for a little bit, but I’d say that Trubisky seems most likely to end up as a failed pick as well. Still, that’s decent odds!

But the Giants aren’t guaranteed the first pick. I’d be curious to see that same list including QBs taken with the top three picks each year. I’ll check that out later tonight when I have a bit more time.


Wendy’s all-star, the Junior Bacon Cheeseburger.

If it vibrated that much, it would be obvious someone farted. The cell phone ring means it was the perfect amount to be felt, but not detected.

I will stan for the JBC. It’s the best burger you can get from a national chain for the price.

I just love how happy and excited he is. He’s a champ.

Neither were the Russos - until they were given a shot. Remember, it was originally Joss Whedon’s gig.

Haha, that’s good to hear!

Huh, I disagreed with you, but didn’t think you were insane until you tried to claim that Tim Blake Nelson was OBJECTIVELY bad, especially considering he’s been nominated for numerous awards. Has he always given amazing performances? No, but you’d be hard pressed to find a Hollywood actor who hasn’t phoned a few in

I read someone say Monopoly was great and immediately skipped the rest of the article.

I feel like it’s in that uncanny valley where it looks good, but then it just... vanishes and seems so absolutely strange. While it’s a step forward, I can’t say I really like it.

This is what I was coming here to find, thanks. I thought I was taking crazy pills when it said Netflix!

You clearly do not go to 4chan much.


And then those Spider-haters went out and bombed review sites for this depiction... wait, they didn’t? Huh, it’s almost like there’s a way people can express their dislike of something without taking it too far, and thus appearing “easily offended and triggered.”