
Great look at this, Dom. I’m still curious to see where the offense goes, and they’re still going to have to figure out teams that blitz often, but this is promising. I’m also hoping they don’t abandon the run like they did in the first half vs. Dallas.

I saw it a long time ago, and while the movie was bad I actually came out of it liking him and Eric Christian Olsen. They also had flashes of decent moments together in the awful movie Cellular.

I remember when they cast Chris Evans as Cap, and all I could think of was “The Human Torch?” Seemed like such a miss.

While there are a good number of games that would not make it if it weren’t for Kickstarter (check out Earworm, everyone!), I specified the larger mini focused games because these are typically pushed out by established companies. For example, the Power Rangers game is being produced by Renegade Game Studios, a

I highly recommend not kickstarting games, specifically miniatures based games, and just waiting for the public release. If we work together, we can express to game companies how shitty this practice is for consumers.

Z-Man has been doing an excellent job so far with the Pandemic spin-offs, so I’m curious about Fall of Rome. I don’t feel like it’s drawing any parallels between viruses and the Germanic tribes, however, but perhaps that’s because the last Pandemic dealt with flooding, and Defenders of the Realm (a game that borrowed

Can someone arrest TMZ for the crime of their shitty media player?

I had never read or watched a Harry Potter book or movie, and then I saw Prisoner of Azkaban. I immediately went out and watched the first two movies, and was so disappointed I didn’t even start the books until the summer after around when book six came out (they’re great, and I wish I had read them sooner).

Especially at Baylor...

I’m just excited to see Fitz in a movie!

Another fun fact: The Germans actually didn’t have zombies during WWII.

Which means there’s going to have to be a VERY good explanation for the zombies we see in the trailer to be present...

cf: https://goo.gl/AbGJKp

Eh. Sure, in 2018 when we have incredibly sophisticated visual mediums the LOTR books are at a disadvantage because absorbing a story these days is SO EASY. But I still contend they are great and worth the effort of reading.

Back when they were super hard to get, I found a NES classic for MSRP on Amazon. Reviews for the store were legit, so I ordered it.

I am very surprised that Final Fantasy Tactics made it on here, but there’s no mention of Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen or Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Is it just brand name appeal?

Even those two feel like you’d be pushing folks a bit too far into the deep end if all they knew was Catan. Based on the games in this list, it sounds like Beth is aiming for people newer to the board game hobby, as it’s three well known IPs, one of the few games someone may have seen at Target, and then a challenge

There were just never enough to supply all the visiting Borts.

Two beers is the perfect amount for most people to say “Yes I’ve been drinking but no I’m not drunk.” You know the officers can tell you’ve had something, so you can’t say zero. But three beers will put most people above the legal limit.

Peyton Reed has outright said Janet isn’t the Wasp anymore, she’s something else. Undefined quantum powers.

Exactly. That’s been getting worse and worse over the years.

I have had the misfortune of visiting St. Louis on three occasions.

The City Musuem is amazing, and that’s about all I can say positive.