
I would argue he looks more like a scrotum come to life.

Dammit, now so do I. Thanks a lot.

Not sure how you pulled that out of obscurity, but fuck I laughed hard. Well done. This is the Internet at its best.

I support her and other victims, but I had the same thought...”Michele Trachtenberg! That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.”

Fuck I laughed hard at this.

Titanium Man!

Well a hearty “fuck you” to the scalpers, may they trip over their stack of PS5s and fall off a cliff. And since we’re here, fuck the retail stores for being either unwilling or unable (why not both.gif) to do anything about the bots.



How could one then accept help from others knowing what it cost and not offer that help in return?

My PS5 hard crashes (requires database rebuild) once or twice a day (my son is playing a lot). I never use rest mode, don’t have anything external connected. I love this console but it is hands down the buggiest console launch I’ve seen. And I absolutely blame Sony for this. Multiple games hard crashing the system is

In Neil Degrasse Tyson voice...”Well, actually”’s been out for a year on the Epic Store. It’s only “new” on Steam.

Somewhere, an A/B Test just got it’s wings.

Plus this guy wears blue jeans.

As I was reading through the article I started to form a picture in my head of what these two look like. Then I hit the screencaps section and they look exactly, and I mean EXACTLY how I pictured them.

you can have a mental illness AND be an asshole

You didn’t read the article, did you. Just admit it.

He was an asshole all around. That date was really uncomfortable to watch. I’m betting he voted for Trump.

Like, we were already making the joke that, “Oh, you get to meet me, Rutledge Wood!” Half the people have no idea who I am, which is the hilarious part.

I had a 286 with a 20MB drive! I remember Prince of Persia forced me to get really creative with compression.