
So it’s entirely possible you’ve already done this and just forgot about it?

How do we fix this? How do you make a swath of incredibly stupid, selfish people change their minds?

I don’t have any ideas, but if this turns into all-out civil war, I’m 100% in.

I have the opposite situation. My 7 year old son ONLY wants to play whatever it is I’m playing. It doesn’t just seem to be a case of “I’m only interested because Daddy’s interested”. He genuinely seems to have the same tastes as I do. And those tastes are “whatever the newest game that came out this week”. I finally

We do this in San Francisco at BART stations. BART always tries to tell us not to because it “breaks the escalators” (riiiiight), but when 99% of the people are doing it, who’s going to be the guy who stands blocking “traffic” because BART said so. It’s not going to happen.

Look, Uber is *only* losing a billion dollars a year for several consecutive years, they clearly know what they’re doing.

When are companies going to learn it’s just not worth licensing someone else’s IP to make your show/game/whatever? Especially when that someone else is Disney. Netflix learned that mistake. Gazillion learned that mistake tragically.

A TG-16 library without Bonk’s Adventure and (especially) Military Madness is not a TG-16 library. If they pull this bullshit, it’s going to be as successful as Sony’s attempt was.

Dammit, now I can’t unsee this. Thanks a lot.

Don’t forget crying! He was crying too. That fucking pile of human waste.

Right. Their brains are fundamentally not working. They’re also self-centered assholes. 

Because the Russians want him taken out.

I couldn’t stop laughing at it, even on the 5th watch. I felt terrible for laughing, but that shit was funny af.

This is objectively the correct ordering of Chrises.

Google is a company that historically kills anything not named “Search” or “Gmail”. If you’ve read any of the horror stories of “Big Projects” at google (there’s a great tweetstorm about Circles that came out a while back) then you know that Google is just as prone to making dumb multi-million dollar mistakes as any

1.And what percentage of those 1 in 5 will line up to buy into Stadia?

Jason, will you please stop cancelling these games? This is getting out of hand.

Just curious, what’s the difference between “thick!” and “thicc”?

If Sony fucks this up for PS4 saves, then I am officially done buying games on PS4. This bullshit is really getting frustrating.

As a Rick and Morty, and even Justin Roiland fan, I can honestly say, it is totally possible to have too much Justin Roiland. Any time Lemongrab is on screen in Adventure Time, I have to shut down the sound.