
I hope you didn’t puke on the cop like Chong did in “Up In Smoke”. 

Genuinely getting worried they’re going to nerf my precious colossus :(

Not THESE miserly shitheels! They’re doubling down.

Some people want to find a conspiracy in anything. My suggestion is to ignore the trolls.

“America was troubled by the horrible ass...ya ya ya ya”

I loved Herzog Zwei. I played a bunch of it when I was a game tester for the Game Genie, we had a library of basically all the games.

I feel like I’ve been time travel transported to 2007 E3.

I had completely forgotten about that scene, and I watched that movie several times in the 90s. Thank you for that. Hilarious.

There’s also the fact that he’s a racist piece of shit.

I dunno about anyone else, but I’m not spending a single cent on any Activision/Blizzard games until they at least kick Kotick the fuck out.

Hey, those were combat shorts!

“Bitch” is some pretty harsh language. In this case, I recommend harsher, perhaps “cunt”?

Great article. I was going to ask if they’re written in Attic Greek, but you answered that. die... *cue Vangelis theme*

“I wish I could see the young men put that energy into making this country really, really great,” Phillips said.

I’d imagine it would be even more hilarious as his fake hair gets ripped off, and his fat ass tries to slowly slither away.

That is the most spot-on description of the Ace Combat series I’ve ever read.

Russel Brand is definitely no Dudley Moore.

So would an Inanimate Carbon Rod.