
Liz Hurley should take Samantha’s place.

Me on Wednesday: *jaw hanging* Holy shit. My skinfolk are doing the thing.

White boomer lady here, always liked the Gen X. Pretty disappointed in the ones I watched grow up. Those assholes spend more time complaining about “BLM protests are entitled white kids trying to get laid” (Seattle) and refusing to ponder the fact that there are injustices they are ignoring. BLM inconvenienced them,

She has a few brothers, I bet. I also bet they don’t get in her way much, that was an amazing pop in the nose. No windup, no recoil. Cobra strike.

He’ll be so mad when he goes and the briefings have no crayons or stick figures!

At least they telegraph their tribe. A world where they fit in would be very dangerous.

The fact of honesty in Houston PD is basically blowing my mind. This will help with their legacy of throwdown guns, in my mind.

And for the first time I’m happy to note his VP is a respected prosecutor with no love for the white supremacists!

They think they’re dogwhistling. I’m sick of the disingenuity. “I didn’t incite. I just said ‘Vote by combat.’ We’ve let them slide too long.

I think they believed they’d come in, alter the course of history, tour the Capitol, maybe hang Pence and Pelosi and defile The Squad. And go home heroes. It’s ludicrous, they drank the Flavr Aid.

where do you get these words, this week? I lost my peepholes!

I can’t believe the savvy and good fortune that got them out unharmed. The Yayhoo Mob needs to never meet The Squad, in any similar situation.

I think those guys are the Oathkeepers. They are menacing.

Somehow, instead of gratitude at being treated with kid gloves so far, they come back with ultimatums. Plus they killed a cop. They have GOT to be near the end of their collective tether. Have they even seen our military?

Antifa and I savored the laments of your women and the organs and marrow of your infants. Being served daily at a Socialist Soup Kitchen near you!

I got a no-freeze birdbath, and now  I have no time to coup!

White woman age 60 here. i think they are all incels, or they are indulged by wives they love but sideways disrespect. I’m a nun now, because the menfolk are gross incels. I feel like Elderly Cher Horowitz. Eewwwww.

Which Baldwin texted dick pics to the porn star on Celebrity Rehab?

I, 60 yr old white woman, left my phone in Long John Silvers. Came home, did Find  My Phone, bricked it bc it wasn’t secured. Retrieved the next day, slept just fine in the interim. She’s 22. She can totally handle this.

I, personally, would find accepting an offer of complete healing perfectly logical. But a whole subset feel the problem isn’t the disability, it is society’s refusal to accept and accomodate us, just as we are. We used to call it Cure vs. Care. We’d compete for advocacy dollars, at times.