
LOL. Wheelchair user for 20 years, former cure activist. (I got sick, retired. Still support curing paralysis!) Both those groups exist but in real life they don’t mingle!

all the condolences. How they passed doesn’t impact the griefpain, and the anger may amplify it. My bro died detoxing, in October, despite his alleged many years of sobriety. I don’t know who or what I’m mad at, but I’m pissed.

the times they are a-changin’ / random white lady


He dribbled a can, then caught it despite interference, that’s not not-cool! Plus on the rebound he smacked a bitch who is my skinfolk but not my kinfolk. May he never be identified except amongst friends, and may I be granted a laugh like this daily forever, amen.

The transition from play to screen is apparently a tough one. It missed, a bit. It was sure pretty, they dropped money on it. And it was worth it to see Chadwick Boseman’s face, “Happy  birthday to the lady with the CAKES!”

Twisted Tea. For the discerning can o tea drinker who values his knuckles~

I thought I did, but was 2nd guessing myself by the time you chimed in!

I think you being self-aware enough to know it could happen is a lot of defense for you. I’ve long had a mantra, “if you have to ask if you’re in a cult, you are.” Accidentally went to cult-yoga class. Internal sirens went off, I googled, and lo! Twas a cult! Knowing you’re not especially intuitive and protected is

Vlad says danke! 

Note to self: choose Maldives for all non-extradition needs.

The Mayans had chunky goddesses, down around Cozumel way.

I’ve said this all along. Today’s rich lack intestinal fortitude. We’d only have to guillotine the one!

Extramarital sex isn’t a gateway to battering. Nor is it permission.

Speak your truth, friend.

The right PR firm could sell it!

The Riches was fantastic tv. 

That’s how I grow out layers, I just never knew it was a fashion mullet!

Damn fine looking young man. It was a lot of jaw for a spunky rollerblading badass, albeit adorable. Elliott is pulling it off  just swell!

What happens if we apply Occam’s and Hanlon’s Razors? Hanlon’s is invalid for Shkreli. He’ll absolutely choose malice when neutral would do better, and he’s not stupid. Occam’s, choose the simplest answer, appears to me as him seeing a gullible target and recognizing her insecurities. Then he went to work on her for