I would have bet it was impossible to truly fuck up a brownie, but that was my American Privilege showing! Whoo dogies LOL!
I would have bet it was impossible to truly fuck up a brownie, but that was my American Privilege showing! Whoo dogies LOL!
I am so relieved to be 60. Best choice I ever made was being born in 1960! We’ve been problematic since then, of course, but I think my odds of missing the Bitter End look good.
5 Star deployment of killer boots, Ms. Miley! Way to slay a look! I enjoyed Doll Parts, but it’s kind of low energy starting out.
The anti-mask gun nut yayhoos and the bikers did a number on you, this summer.
no state income tax iirc
I’ve buried a son. I bet that bitch has not. That first bereft year doesn’t provoke maternal flippancy.
Kompromat. Dead girls or live boys. You’re right, 45 isn’t financing him and there is no longer a future riding his coattails.
It’s the latest thing, Rubles From Rubes. Rest assured, Russia’s hand is out and it can turn into a fist in a heartbeat.
Is perjury still criminal, or did we lose that when we elected a compulsive liar? Is this crazy B sworn in?
I’m a hospital lab tech, graduated 82. The AIDS comparisons are apt. The sense of deja vu is surreal. What’s changed is mapping a viral genome in 2 weeks and cranking out a vax in under 52! I’m an old misanthrope, but wtg, humans!
wow. That’s an archaic addition to your skillset, but it was so cool to watch!
They got me on “snowy refuse” recently. Their white trash detecting algorithm is finely tuned!
Rural Kansans often use wood, New Mexicans burn a LOT of wood. I’m considering moving to a place with central heat and air, global warming and age are conspiring against my rootsy ways.
I’m with you, I already owned 4 homes and buried the husband who helped. Property ownership would be a full drag for me now. That said, COVID is wrecking my sweet living situation and the market sucks for renters!
I thought it was tacky enough. When the camera went from jet ornament to teakwood skiff ornament my tack alert rang loud and clear. # RichPplToys
The desert is The Great Recycler. Fueling a coyote would be 45's most useful life event!
Kind of. He founded an org to solicit donations for it, bc the libs were in the way and this way donors owned us. Those funds were promptly commandeered by Bannon and crew. They never even flew those funds off the east coast!
I wonder who tweeted the above? 45 personifies “obstinate”, but if he can spell it I’d be surprised. Putting it in context in that sentence is beyond him, the run-on sentence is a red herring!
and 900k of them took off on airplanes, on Wednesday. We really ARE exceptional(ly headstrong).
I’ve seen it...just felt unworthy to comment!