
I always assume those recipes come from the Campbell’s test kitchen. I don’t do canned slop or gluten, but I can make  a crm of mushroom from half n half and cornstarch plus chicken broth that works well.

America has broken me. Every time a baker offered assistance or encouragement to a competitor, I now burst into tears. British history is problematic, but British people soothe my chaos-riven psyche. Thanks, GBBO. Y’all delivered solace, and it was badly needed.

I thought I’d had a bellyfull, but Mary Trump’s memoir was a delightful read that answered so many questions. That woman is articulate, and she is the first Trump I’ve ever given credence.

I choose the timeline where 45's ghostwriter is the selfsame saboteur as the one who reserved the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot for a venue!

He’s trying to remind us that what we just endured was an aberration, and we’re better than this, and so forth. Who is going to tell the other half?

I had one in 87, teal satin. Luckily my cousin pointed out that I looked like a Kansas schoolmarm and I retired that whole motif.

The Bible did cover it, iirc. Something about “Where 2 or more gather in His name...” The Bible also cautions against big demonstrative shows of faith and public prayer, and trusting ppl who insist on them! Useless trivia but there it is. ETA: I confirmed I didn’t dream number 2. Matt the Man said this: And when thou

Feature not glitch.

I saw it. Willing to testify. I’ll pay my own travel expenses, hook me up!

Lobster Newburg in Ireland. Fried artichokes from Rome. Any piece of fish after scuba diving in Cozumel.

They write the list. We just run with those Insecurity Bullet Points!

I wonder who his parents are. 

I wonder if she is attending to her kid so her man gets his kids back.

He just had it! He and Guilfoyle had to drive back from the Rushmore Hoedown because they weren’t allowed on the jet...maybe I’ve lost it.

I nearly sobbed with relief. We have grownups appointing qualified adults to crucial positions!

My home state is so deep in the shit now, Jeebus not gonna save you  Kansas, you dealt with devil and I fear he’s come to collect.

It’s a shame Baby Vanka has mattresses of Kushner cash to land in.

Absolutely. Remember when he told us nobody would ever believe how complicated health care is? That was his one stab at governing. But he did come into this assuming the government just needed fixed by his big beautiful brain.

Malevolent ninnies, not standard issue.

“Adults in the White House.”