
Lifehack: If you have to ask yourself if you’re in a cult-YOU ARE.

real talk. Limbaugh was sitting RIGHT. THERE!

They only decry because the propaganda told them to.

Former lab tech here. Been concerned for you guys since Abbott released that first miracle test that required vigorous re-suspension of a clearly airborne pathogen. No pipette tips is a supply chain clusterfuck, dang. Stay safe!

That’s hardship!

Can somebody interpret the last video? Is that a crowd growing irate bc a man pulled another man off a small woman? Then the crowd went after her even more? 

You’re good. That is solid humor even at a distance!

I am so unsurprised; I reckon everyone else is too? Half of us in despair, because of course he is it’s what he DOES. The other half in supportive delight, exact same reason.

I’m sure you’re 75% right. The 25% lunatic fringe are unnerving. They are the lunatic fringe of ppl already fully lunatics on their own merit.

He put a lot into that “hair”. He thought it made him appear young. It failed him. SAD!

2020 has good weed and bad everything else. I must urge you to reconsider.

There will be future opportunities to drink with idiots. I’d keep firm side-eye on the one who thinks being a military muckety means one has insider info on a biological agent that has appeared in the wild! I’m the chief grocery orderer here, and equally qualified.

Thanks for your concern.

Playboy spread.

Now I badly want to see The Pandemic Bachelor, filmed at La Quinta Inns!

Same. I was so amazed to find other country’s potato chips taste like potatoes! The russian white chocolate bonbons with the zotz inclusions blew my damned mind, Russians have awesome snackage!

A celeb adjacent acquaintance shit all over his own image by manifesting patriarchy and toxic masculinity on a young female colleague. I told him there are obviously people one pays to escort them on the Redemption Gauntlet, it’s no doubt pricey and painful but appears to work. He acted like I was nuts. “Who trusts

I’ve been ashamed of seeing this as feature, not glitch.

You can’t argue with that flawless logic! I bet Soros injected Biden with nanobots invented by Gates and programmed to self destruct in 2022. DIABOLICAL!