Thank you, that is at least slightly better. But this latest repetition of one of the most F obvious failings with gaming on 4k really makes me lose faith and puts this on my NoBuy list. And only that. Nothing else going on causing concerns.
Thank you, that is at least slightly better. But this latest repetition of one of the most F obvious failings with gaming on 4k really makes me lose faith and puts this on my NoBuy list. And only that. Nothing else going on causing concerns.
This is an absurd supposition! Multiple movies are seriously inferior from several different aspects! What clickbait this article is! I won’t read it at all! I definitely will not comment!
ctrl+c, ctrl+v
LOL! You really got ‘em there!!! Way to be, champ!
So sad that it can’t be broken ass font size Outer Worlds. Hopes and prayers that the 1.1 patch supposedly next week actually makes the game playable and legible on a big 4k display.
Hell yep, glass pipe with regular old weed in it, whoops “flower” I mean. Have been told I smoke “Old Man Weed” more than once. Seems fitting, as I am rapidly becoming an old man so meh (meh means I find the point to be not worth observing == meh is a valuable term when used properly, fuck Hodgman and Drew on this one)…
HOLY F! Thanks Comrade! Glad you were available to point out that there is LITERALLY no winning here ... enjoy those 40 pieces. You should roll those eyes right up your arse.
IN Lake Geneva? NGL, that sounds pretty dope actually ... if the water is not actively infecting you and your partner I guess.
I just thank God for that heroic deputy. And that Masai wasn’t wearing a hoodie.
Damn, that’s rough. Biscuits with honey Sriracha butter? Leave the Werthers, take the cannoli.
Staaaahp! You had me at Brownsboro
HEY NOW, grapefruit know what it is, and what it isn’t. Let’s not get unneedfully slanderous. Just the required levels of slander, thx.
Clearly they be Queens in this context. Maybe some others. But not some other others.
HAH! Right, football is 9 on 8 if you trust her chocolate cake! Completely lacking verisimilitude!