Secret lovers, that's what we are.
Secret lovers, that's what we are.
She responded to me on instagram. I died.
Yup, her judo matches are way more intense and impressive than anything I've seen her do in mma. Some of her opponents were even bigger than her.
She has a judo takedown on her instagram against a woman that is ginormous and Ronda aint petit. Its impressive.
I studied the history of animation and this is a film that we discussed because it was the first of its kind in both animation technique (rotoscoping) and the social response both then and now to the story and to the fact that this was the first film to have a black man in a non comedic role. Some interesting notes on…
Hey I did that with my cousin who is now an Eagle scout! We went camping on the Peace river and it was super fun. Now I live in California and go camping in my Subaru with my dog. I find these separate organizations ridiculous in their own right. Just have a fucking club were everyone goes camping and shut up!
Yeah considering the price! RATS! May as well buy a projector on ebay, have a friend make a tiered white marzipan cake and play your favorite Disney movie from across the dance hall with a velvet rope section closed off so no one gets Cinderella on their ass.
Not as good as my sleepy time xanax and champagne.
Nevermind that they are sexualizing children.
....."This may just be a coincidence, but I just noticed this. If you take 1775 and multiply it by 12 (inches) you get 21300. Now if you multiply that by 91101 (9/11/01) you get 1940451300. If you take that number and multiply it by 13, the number of years since 9/11 and an unlucky number you get 25225866900. Next if…
It's because I want to have a threesome but I want both the guys to be identical. Like I want to be the rotisserie chicken between two spokes that are the same size, duh.
Outside. Notice the marzipan is both solid and smooth. Like a screen. That projected movies would be projected on with a projector.
And it's not fair on you as a tax paying citizen. We have an overdeveloped defense system and a grossly underdeveloped system for the actual health of our citizens. This has to be the most overlooked detail in our society.
Me too.
I knew I could count on you.
Yeah chanting also keeps me level minded and helps me wind down before bed or I can't sleep. I have a ritual where I chant by candle light after setting my alarm and placing my phone on the charger. I don't turn any lights on or check my phone after. Then I lay in bed fully relaxed and with my eyes attuned to the…
Ahhhhhhhhh. ok. Honestly I didn't get this till now.