
And I'm sure you spent the last 8 years acting like a 5 year old over Obama. Probably a racist 5 year old on top of that if that is part you are whining about.

My ear balls!

But that's how we got Dubya! Granted we very well might have managed to find someone that Bush returning would somehow be an improvement over.

You are trying really hard to prove the whole 'party of stupid' thing aren't you? Don't worry electing Trump was all the proof we will ever need.

Your side were the idiots whining constantly about a rigged election. Should we believe you?

Do you have any idea what sarcasm is? Or are you just completely incapable of recognizing even the most blatant examples?

The trolls are the ones who need to be institutionalized. Your mental heath seems somewhat questionable too, defending them in that fashion. 'Free speech' is the only remotely legitimate defense for what they do, and it is certainly possible for them to cross that line.

He's back in pog form?

Hey look, Essex film!

War of Southern Treason.

Urkel, The Fonz, ALF, and other TV characters are all back, in pog form.

Oh look, Unicornfellow in the bottom picture.

Big McLargeHuge

Big McLargeHuge (I won't let you tell me that isn't one the many many official aliases of Space Mutiny's David Ryder).


They're dragging Kevin Nash into this now?

The spice must flow.

We're revealing secret recipes now? Roll that beautiful bean footage!

My God you're greasy!

I read them them for the stories mostly, as a kid when they were new. That said, most of the art didn't bother me. The only exception being the one (and this a vague memory as I only saw it for a few seconds before going out of my way to never see it again) was the woman with half her face having rotted off to the