
I’m not going to stop licking your face. Woof ;)

Fever, duh

Woof. Human needs a pet to raise self esteem so they won’t tear others down for no good reason. Woof, pet, woof, pet, pet... woof!

$30/hour means that a 40 hr/week schedule earns $60k a year. That is roughly half of the middle-of-the-pack salary at many tech giants in LA for someone 8-12 years out of a respectable undergraduate program. Do you think Uber/Lyft drivers deserve to make half as much as a highly educated desk job that likely adds 10x+

For the love god, please don’t let this happen again! Woof!

That’s my purse. I don’t know you!

You sir are the outlier. Stop whining, you little tiny person, you. You seem to think the world should cater to your self-interests rather than market economics.

You can add an external blu-ray drive to any Mac. I’ve watched plenty of blu-rays on my MacBook Pro.

Magsafe was replaced by USB-C, an industry standard. For years, you were probably the same guy who complained about Apple using proprietary cables.

I can understand your issue with the headphone jack. However, I haven’t

That is absolutely false. I can’t think of a single consumer device that I currently own that has a replaceable battery... other than my smoke detector and tv remote control.

You mean batteries are designed to fail over time? Yes, they are inherently designed to fail because all things in nature are designed to fail at some point in time. We simply do not have the battery technology for these to be priced reasonably and not fail after 2-3 years, when you likely will upgrade your phone

Also, Michael Bay doesn’t win Oscars, you dope.

No... Michael Bay films also have no real audience. I don’t remember the last film he produced that would have turned a profit if only shown on domestic screens. He makes his money of foreign audiences that barely understand the English language while staring with open mouths at the explosions and bright lights on

I also didn’t nominate any of the Oscar nominations. That’s handled by the professionals who work in the industry, and they have to have seen every film that is considered for a nomination to vote in said process.

On a separate note, I have seen all but one of the films nominated this year so...

Being an outlier doesn’t mean that you can say your POV is definitive of the general public.

Meanwhile, someone is butthurt and doesn’t understand the concept of hyperbole. You know, there is a whole animated category at the Oscars. Also, the American people don’t nominate films for Oscars... there is an entire industry that handles that made up of film actors, producers, executives, etc. Also, I’m fairly

You have to have a real audience before getting any Oscar nominations. Just saying, I’m sure these anime films are great but no one knows what you are posting there. 

Get creative with your titles, annotations, descriptions, etc. Copywriting matters, and believe it or not a lot of people get paid to do this for a living.

I think you monetized and popular have something in common?

You see that thing at the top where you can search for content? That’s how you find niche content. There is no gravy to be made by putting low-engagement, low-interest content on the homepage. They are not trying to stifle low-volume channels so much as protect its viewers from dangerous content that shouldn’t be

You’ve heard of the term outlier, haven’t you? Imagine what your payout would be with a real following!