
The study used the generic “Our takeaway - if you’re buying a brand new EV - be it a new make or a new model - there’s a higher potential for a battery replacement, but you should expect it to be fully covered by the vehicle warranty.”

Yeah. what’s next? Drawing guns on people who didn’t return their library books?

The thing that pisses me off the most about this whole mess is that these cyclists were hit doing a training ride for that weekend’s Ironman race- meaning that the ones who were hit, who’ve been training for this for at least a year and sometimes more, got that dream yanked right out from under them. The ones who

“It wasn’t nepotism, we’re just incompetent” is a hell of an argument.

Nope. First they hide all their assets while the criminal case drags on. Then there’s a few years of civil litigation. Then after the judgment is entered (see my comment above about negligence per se) they just file chapter 11/13 bankruptcy, keep all the 401Ks, throw the umbrella limits to the sharks, and get on with

When you try to trade in a stick, dealers lowball you because “demand for manuals is low.”

The easiest solution is just to sit out. Say naw, I am buying a Chevy.  People have lost the concept that they only get paid if you play...

The franchise dealer model needs to die, already. It is BAD for consumers and horribly inefficient. 

No, it’s going to keep a psychopath (i.e. her) from doing this to someone else 5, 10, or 20 years down the line.

It doesn’t seem too quick to me. He was paying attention to his surroundings, and saw the van come up, then saw it coming uncomfortably close to a collision course with his car (which would certainly get MY attention!), then saw it stop and people leap out — he then responded with what he had in his hand. Not really

I was thinking of the Isuzu built Honda Passport and Acura SLX.