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    I use a 30 amp solution and have no problems. I do the share the dryer circuit thing so I wouldn’t have to major main panelwork.

    I find it very odd that people who are not paying 50% income taxes on their earnings think that people who are need to pay their fair share. Is 50% fair share?

    Nebraska..the good life.  We would welcome you home from your hell life!

    Your just not very bright and would be dead.

    WTF does politics have to do with this video.  Can't fix stupid and I am not talking about the Chileans.

    This is a car site.  Your political BS is not welcome here!

    Thank you.  I needed a good laugh!

    If you think a gov’t run healthcare system is the answer I refer you to the totally screwed up Social Security, IRS, welfare, FAA, and our fabulous infrastructure.

    No worries, GM will be out of business in 5 years.

    I agree that only taxpayers can afford pensions for employees and that has been the case for 2o years. When they complain about paying 3% of the health premiums they truly sound like toddlers to the rest of the middle class. I pay 15+ percent and I work for a very large unionized company.