
Now you just have to wait until Dawes releases a deluxe version of Nothing is Wrong for your next hit.

Gym is too dumb to be the devil.  He has the right moral character though.

She was great in the 3rd season of Janet King (Australian lawyer drama).  The show itself was losing steam at that point though.

A Metallica song about impending doom - I’m thinking you could use a large portion of their catalogue to fit that mood.

Actually, she is, they just didn’t list the supporting actor/actress categories.

Didn’t know that about Blowin’ in the Wind.  In an interview I read with Mike Campbell when TP and the Heartbreakers were on tour with Bob he’d just call out a song and key and start playing.  

Now playing

Oh the other hand, Matthew Sweet has said this one was specifically about her:

I’ll put in plugs for the new Craig Finn, Soccer Mommy, Tomberlin and fanclubwallet albums.

They should’ve done a Love spin-off with her character.

I need more penny can variations.

Unless it has a zombie Goose and Archer flying a plane and playing “Danger Zone”, count me out.


I’m holding out for a Jon Hamm cameo.

No bored ape is worth $200,o00 - this is just a pyramid scheme, right?

If Putin died now, I’d say it was very timely.

That bullshit made up by a below average science fiction writer and active pedophile counts as even a pseudo-religion is so, so sad.

I don’t know - I just have trouble with the main run/making it sound right and the solo is a little more difficult for me than LVS. You can make LVS sound OK with certain scales and shapes even if every note isn’t perfect. Can’t fake it with YYZ.

As a guitarist of moderate talent, I can make a pretty good pass at LVS (the bass and drumming are really the virtuoso parts here). But YYZ is another level (perhaps its just me though).

Talking about best Rush albums and no one mentions A Farewell to Kings?  I mean, that whole run from 2112 to Moving Pictures is damn near flawless.

Ted McGinley to the rescue!