
"America provided the opportunity for Saverin to make that money in the first place."

I think it's more accurate to say Senator Taxalot is upset he's not giving 100% of his money to help needy politicians.

There are so many reasons why this legislation is bad that I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts. Here's my best go:

I'm moving next to this guy's house before the Zombie Apocalypse comes.

I'll be very happy to see a larger screen. My current iphone 4 still feels very tiny. I just hope they find a way to maintain the aspect ratio. Changing that would mean a lot of code bloat for all the iOS developers out there.

I've been noticing a pattern with this error: if you alt-tab away from the game (with or without hitting escape for the menu first), and come back, not only will you get a lag spike, but often you'll get disconnected with one or more errors.

Don't drive wedges between people by constantly pointing out how different they're supposed to be, and people will stop caring what color they're seeing.

I agree with you to a point, but Blizzard Ent. is a veteran company. They know how this "release" stuff works, and what happens in the media if they screw it up. They're familiar with massive server loads, scalable infrastructure, and how to run extended betas to work bugs out of the system. They likely did everything

Ok, for all the Straight, White Males out there who feel like life's not enough of a challenge: try getting a Fine Art degree at a liberal arts college. Then, everything you are becomes an obstacle rather than a help.

Ok, for all the Straight, White Males out there who feel like life's not enough of a challenge: try getting a Fine Art degree at a liberal arts college. Then, everything you are becomes an obstacle rather than a help.

Blizzard understands that great art sells video games. It may not itself make for a great game, but staring slack-jawed at beautiful illustration is never a bad thing.

You're right. I suppose my degree was wasted.

No problems playing for me so far. I'm still in Act 1, and maybe 4 hours of play, just breezing through and enjoying the beautiful environmental artwork.

You've stumbled across the key to a good game right there in what you said: "made with passion and purpose". You don't have to feed your audience "right" or "wrong" answers to the questions you're posing to create good art. On the contrary, you're neutering it when you do.

Amazing, you completely missed the point of what I wrote. Did you read my post, or just the comments about it?

I just dropped a comment on the article. Follow the link in the story to see my whole post. I'm basically confused about what the hell the author was talking about. Quoting idiots like Marx and Weber doesn't make for clear argument logic. He's attempting to tie the work it takes to be good at a game (any game not just

I don't need big axes, or traps, or ice beams, kung-fu or voodoo.

There's no such thing as a bug-free launch. Ever.

It sounds like Raymond wants to use her company as a conduit for social activism, which is a nice way of saying that she wants to use games as her personal propaganda outlet. She mentions "system is stacked against the healthcare...easy to become homeless...sexism..." Does that sound like someone with no axe

With no viable market competitor, Adobe can fix its products at its leisure. We'll still have to buy it.