
I see a lot of anxiety on the web centering about how much bitcoins are worth, and how quickly they got there. I pose this question to you: what would the “value” of a US Dollar be (in any unit of trade you choose) if only $21 million of them were printed at the inception of the currency, and any further printing

Correct. Bitcoin isn’t currency like $USD, it’s property, like gold, an oil painting or a bear skin rug. The government declaring Bitcoin as currency or not is as irrelevant as declaring duck feathers as non-currency.

Those backgrounds are freaking gorgeous. Great job, guys!

This is a very good point. I didn't think about the political angle and how much damage could be done from that standpoint. Isn't ICANN controlled entirely by U.S. interests? If that's so, then all it would take would be a political mandate to censor any "undesirable" domain name. There are always crusader politicians

Operational security for such a job would be ludicrously hard to achieve. All it would take would be one tip-off and the security protecting these vulnerable points would expand, and it would stay that way for a long time. Security is cheap compared to having the internet artery you're responsible for get severed by

This is Gamefly's survival instincts kicking in. All the major publishers are moving to a subscription-based licensing model. The online codes are only the beginning. Eventually, you'll have to log into a publisher's website (ubi play, steam,, Origin, etc.) and you'll pay for the game or enter your

Blizzard obviously feels like it can marginalize disconnected PC players without affecting its bottom line. It's sure to cause some grief, but the cost of losing those players must be less than the cost it would incur upon their development process to support them.

Are any of these allowing Java/JSP support? It looks like they're all Ruby/PHP. I've been working in a J2EE environment for better than 10 years now, and it would be silly for me to sign up with a host where I couldn't leverage that experience.

Are any of these allowing Java/JSP support? It looks like they're all Ruby/PHP. I've been working in a J2EE environment for better than 10 years now, and it would be silly for me to sign up with a host where I couldn't leverage that experience.

Presumably, yes, because you'd be using the 3G band rather than the old Edge band.

Bah. It's been done better.

I'm patenting the Windows 9 reboot gesture right now.

I'm kinda horrified by your summary of the two parties. Neither of them are as simple as "owner" and "worker". Oh, and do remember the Libertarians out there.

The two-party system in the US is a major part of the political mire we find ourselves in. No private sector duopoly would ever be tolerated by the public or the bureaucrats, so why are political duopolies not busted up in the same manner? The same logic for doing so applies.

So how did the attendees find out about this event? Hand-written letters?

I had this exact conversation this past weekend with a friend who has a ps3. He wanted to know whether I'd buy Borderlands 2 for the ps3 or my pc. The split screen for Borderlands 1 has been hella fun for me and my son, so it's dollars-to-donuts going to be ps3 for the second installment as well. My friend nodded and

I think the unidentified item is still in the game because finding a gold item with ??? as its name gives you a little shot of curiosity and anticipation. The old mechanic of carrying identify scrolls was just as pointless as clicking on the item and waiting 5 seconds, but the new way doesn't take up space in your

Also one from Thomas Jefferson in a letter to a friend, "I'm sorry I didn't have enough time to write a short letter."

I remember Stephen King's quote from his book "On Story": "Second draft equals first draft minus ten percent."

So, you're not saying "government", then what are you saying? What does "America" in that statement mean, and by what right are you allowing "America" to lay claim to this man's property? By what device do you intend to seize that property if not the government?