
Yes, this. Could also be a reaction to the gluten in the sandwich bread.

I would reaaaally love to hear what kind of velocity he's getting out of the longer arrows and heavier tubing. All the top bow manufacturers have been trying to hit 400fps for some time now, but to my knowledge, haven't hit the market yet with something that can claim that kind of arrow velocity. His solution seems

Doesn't using the adjective "secret" in a sentence automatically make its object noun an oxymoron?

One day, I hope to learn to slap people around with half the class and aplomb with which Peter Dinklage does. Sir, I salute you.

Wow, great interview. Jon sounds like he knows his business. The only danger is raising my hopes for this film even further than the trailers already have. Can the actual film possibly live up to them?

I don't know why everyone is so bent out of shape over this. They're just saying that the outlet for downloading the patch ( has changed (

Waaaaait, are you using sarcasm again? Sly devil!

Please send that to the Wasteland 2 dev team for inclusion in the game, thx. lolz.

Right, but I'm really not that hot to play it, at least until I start seeing some reviews. The way they've been marketing it with FMV makes me wonder why they're hiding the gameplay. Could be nothing, but it's deflated my enthusiasm for the title.

Having worked in retail when I was younger, I can tell you that layaway is always a bad idea. The money that you're putting towards whatever game you want is always more valuable sitting in a mason jar on your shelf than it is in GameStop's bank account. If you ended up with an unforseen event like a car repair,

DLC can be a great thing. Played The Secret Armory of General Knoxx in Borderlands? Add up all the DLC for that game and you ended up doubling the size of the original (at least).

The only times I preorder are to take advantage of Steam or Origin preloading, and then I only preorder when I actually want to begin that loading process.

Kotaku, I heart these new sections. I can completely skip Kotaku East, and it makes me happy.

I have to agree with you. That Infinity engine demo looks far more impressive, maybe because it's more of a practical virtual environment demo, but it looks great!

What a shame I'll never see these in the torrents I'll be incentivized to use more often.

And this is why superheroes, if they existed, would all be killed or locked up. People would tire of the global economic collapses every time one of them got mad.

I'd say gamers in general won, because there was no clear winner. If there was, that would imply an imbalanced market, and that's never good for the consumer. I hope we all argue until we're blue in the face, and still can't figure it out.

Leave the house?? There's...people and stuff out there! Ewww!