
Wha—-he is?

Keep these Fine Art threads coming, Kotaku. Great stuff!

So far, I have dodged the hail of Avengers spoilers whizzing through my office like bullets. I don't get to see this until this coming weekend. Pray for me.

That could definitely be part of it, but that's an awfully large statistical difference for anyone one reason to fill in the gap.

To each his own, and all that. I'm not trying to hold myself up as an avatar of True Music Taste. I was just hoping somebody could point me at some of their other material that might give some background for all the grown-up squeeing.

I'd rather see them use more of the front panel for screen real estate rather than border. An edge-to-edge screen solution would require little, if any, change to the form factor, and it would keep the aspect ratio.

There was this part in the movie where some guy comes up to the main dude and says something really...wait, what were we talking about?

All you jail-movie-watching commenters get +1 from me. I didn't even know they had movies in jail.

Please, 3D, just die.

Yes, this. I've been fighting iMessage on my iPad3 (yes, iPad3, dammit! not "the new iPad"!!), and this would be a perfect solution.

Can you imagine how much worse things would have been if AT&T had been successful in its acquisition of T-Mobile? Three party competition...isn't.

You can figure out the answer using this simple equation:

Anyone else out there jaded enough to think there are voters who are going to let this influence their decision?

I guess I'm outing myself as non-cool, but I don't see what's so amazing about this. I can't take it seriously as music, and I can't laugh at it because it's not really that funny.

I find it difficult to express how little I am interested in this game. The Elder Scrolls has come to mean something in the CRPG world, and this is not it.

Kick ass quality; especially on the women. Impractical armor? Yes. Do we care?

I played the hell out of Skyrim, and this new MMO sounds like all the reasons I've avoided MMOs.

That sounds to me like video gamers have more evolved bullshit-o-meters.

I just want to say "hell, yeah!" to Kotaku for the new gallery format. The old one, which entered a new history item for every image, really sucked. This new one allows me to just scroll the page, click what I want, and maintains my back button functionality.

A couple of points you make strike a chord with me. I'm turning 40 this year, and I find myself with a swelling game library of disappointments.