
Doesn't this mean any iOS game is a dealbreaker? I've seen only a handful that don't use virtual buttons.

Didn't they just do this with "The New 52"? For someone like me who is bewildered by the tapestry of comics continuity, this seems to be undercutting the entire idea of starting over with #1 issues—giving people like me a place to jump in.

Oh, I've seen the gameplay videos, and watched the class overviews, so I know what the game play looks like. I'm just puzzled at why they'd hide the game they worked so hard on behind a 30-second FMV spot on TV.

Yes. People are flawed, and because of it wield power in flawed ways. The best defense against this is to have power spread out as much as possible; ceded to the individual.

The damn makeup artist glued Wolverine's lamb chops in the wrong spot!

I'd hesitate to lay the blame just on corporations. They're an easy scapegoat for what I think is a problem with powerful people in general, be they religious, corporate or political.

It's been so long since the last one that I can barely remember anything about the story but the broad strokes.

How about: "Politicians' Lust for Money and Power Mortgages Taxpayers' Future?"

You forgot: Watch Game of Thrones. Take notes whenever Tyrion is on-screen.

Good for them. Every American is born with the solemn duty to deny the evil, hideous IRS every red cent possible.

That little dot beside your foot...that's the rock covering the rattlesnake that's gonna bite your ass.

My opinion of George Carlin increased a thousandfold after his widowed wife released a coffee table book of all the love letters he'd written to her over the long course of their marriage. That you can tell a lot about a man from the way he treats his wife was never so true as it was here.

I know Blizzard is sticking to what's worked for them in the past—gorgeous FMV—but this is an isometric RPG.

"not dumb" does not equal "brainy". You don't need to limit yourself to puzzlers to come up with a good list. What about Star Control 1 & 2? They were "not dumb" by being funny as hell. I'm sure we could come up with a huge list of similar titles that earned their "not dumb" label by giving us the meaningful emotional

Ah, I see what you're saying. That's fine in my case, as I'm only running 1080p, and the video *screams*.

Try scrolling upwards too far with your cursor in one of the page margins. I managed to get it to stop responding.

Looks great, works not so great for me in Chrome. Their scroll wheel control paradigm needs some work. Love the aesthetic, though.

Only one gig of vram? These two have 1.28 gig a piece. Why would they include the cost of unadressable memory? Do keep in mind that the Classifieds are using some of the same guts as the 570, and have similar performance metrics.

The development team roster that Inxile's put together is what sold me. These guys have chops, and have proved it during the past two decades. The only thing lacking here was a cash infusion, which I was happy to pony up for.

I'm running two EVGA GTX560 Classifieds in my rig, and I can run absolutely anything in ultra settings, 1920x1080, at 80+fps.