
I thought my gmail smelled funny!

Especially if the sight of fat people floating on inner-tubes offends you.

Please don't make this plane. My in-laws-must-live-5-hours-away-or-more rule will leave me in either Key West or the coast of Maine.

or one guy with a hand truck

Valve: please put this in Counterstrike: Global Offensive.

Mechanics are great if you're dealing with a game which wasn't meant to convey a narrative: Pac-Man, Asteroids, etc. If you're dealing with a story-driven game, which all the games I mentioned pretend to be, then you're going to have to give me some coherence if you want me to bother getting on board. Even Doom or

I mentioned the hair thing because the guy is slaying demons left and right, wading through a bloody mess, and his magical coif is shiny and bouncing like a Vidal Sassoon commercial. They show blood on other surfaces, but they won't mess up that hair! I know it's a stylistic choice, but it's a good example of how

The part that really bothers me about the female cast in most Japanese titles is that the women seem to resemble children. Objectifying grown women or treating them as victims is bad enough, but alluding to children that way goes a step beyond that into being sick.

That sounds like a good suggestion. I'm taking notes...

I've tried to enjoy Japanese video games. MGS, Final Fantasys of several numberings, and the nonsensical bombast that was Bayonetta; however, I find myself agreeing with this guy's blunt assessment.

News: soda is killing you.

From what I've read of HFCS, one of the major problems is that the body processes HFCS differently than table sugar. HFCS is actually processed in the liver like a toxin, and as such can lead to non-alcoholic cirrhosis.

Oh, they're a protector of the people alright, just a corrupt, inefficient and clumsy one.

Certainly there's no danger of the French doing that.

I've been waiting for ages for Apple to release an iPad with a resolution significant enough to properly display comic art. I have a huge library that I can't wait to dig into on this thing.

A console that I can give to my kid so we can play Battlefield 3 together as it was meant to be played—on the PC version? Yes-freaking-please! Oh, wait, that doesn't work on Steam. :/

Great idea, great implementation, and a great article. I award you...

Why, oh why wasn't this done in Revolutionary France instead?

Now playing

Here's an early release tutorial for the combat:

I still say that the French revolution would have been a more interesting setting. Imagine watching the beheadings as you stalk your mark.