
For 90% of titles from that time period, you're going to get a better game with a C64 version. The color palette was larger (16 compared to 4 with the PCs of the time), and the audio was worlds better.

And once more, Gizmodo beats the climate change drum.

The mouse is more precise and faster than any of the replacements you mention. I would saw my own head off with a bread knife before I tried using a trackpad to run Photoshop or Illustrator. Imagine trying to grab a spline handle with a trackpad.

Ah, thanks. I actually grabbed a copy of C64 Forever, and I'm running Wasteland in its excellent Commodore 64 emulator. Any thoughts on which platform was better? I'm thinking the C64, probably.

I'm really sorry I missed out playing this back when it was in its heyday. I'm all for a follow-up if he can channel what made the first one so great.

Ok, I'm ashamed, but I'll totally bite on the iphone 4 case. *hangs head*

I've always looked upon the Fallout series as a continuation of the Wasteland property. Weren't there even references in the first couple of Fallout titles pulled from Wasteland? I've never played the original Wasteland, but so many others have discussed it with me that I feel like I have.

The things I found that were lacking are all things which would just turn the game into Battlefield. Still, I always loved the fast play and the sting of having to sit out the rest of the round if you were killed. I'll hold out that CS:GO is the jump forward I hope it is.

This really happens? Wow, I never...oh wait, I'm running the PC version.

Ha! seriously. The past 6 months has done serious damage to my gaming wallet. I've still got to go back and finish all the New Vegas DLC from a year ago!

I tried to play it myself a couple of weeks ago while Origin's servers were down. The server I managed to get into was some horrible freak show of mods, screeching mp3s and spray painted porn tags.

Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, and Borderlands 2 are the only items on this list that interest me. For a large part of the year I'll likely be plumbing into my Steam catalog and my PS3 game drawer for titles I haven't finished.

The costume design was way out of line in that series. Feyd Rautha has this huge triangle-thing on the back of his gi or kimono or whatever the hell it was. I kept expecting those Bene Gesserit to blow away in a stiff wind like a sci-fi Mary Poppins.

You don't get slaughtered in the first 30 seconds—you get slaughtered in the first .03 seconds after you respawn into an embattled Conquest point, looking down the barrel of a blazing enemy machine gun. Has this guy ever experienced the respawn behavior?

No, you're wrong about the worst parts of the SciFi miniseries. That was...

Finding the soundtrack for the Wipeout games is proving very difficult. Does anyone have a line on where these can be had?

Something like this would provide a much-needed deepening of CoD gameplay. CoD has been the same, shallow bullet-fest ever since I've played them. Put innocent bystanders in the levels, and make players pay dearly for not thinking before they shoot!

Now playing

Darklands for the PC. It had one of the best concepts ever for a fantasy RPG: what if all the Middle Ages superstitions were real? This was based in and around dark ages Germany, complete with witches, demons, an all-powerful church, alchemy and saintly powers. It was wretchedly difficult, but felt like walking

Won't this ruin the central mystery of the first film: whether Deckard was a replicant or not? For Ford to be in the film, he'd either have to be human, or they'd have to throw out the 4-year life span. Either way, I'm not sure that would help the original maintain its mystique.

Have you guys read Lucas's interview in the NYT about the release of Red Tails? In that, it's clear that Lucas believes "cheesy" equals "good". He's deliberately making his films into cheese-fests because he thinks new generations "deserve" campy films.