
Lucas does have a nickel for every time someone has said that.

What the @$#%@ is that??!

Maybe those Rapture scares were localized phenomenon? I don't see any empty clothes...

Trek is one of the few hopeful-future sci-fi shows out there. I'd really like to see it come back to TV to combat the wave of dystopia we're seeing.

Absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see this!

Good for them. It's a shame we can't mail them back "return to sender" without having to pay postage.

Despite putting myself on the opt-out lists that I can find, I still get these landfill bricks dumped in my driveway every year. It's unbelievable that they still send these out. I haven't opened one in over ten years.

If you zoom and enhance, you can just make out some Tharks.

Or, get a Windows Home Server and let it handle your backups as often as you like.

So, by your philosophy of banning things which an autistic student might attack someone with, we should ban: pencils, pens, scissors (sharp), books, desks, laptops, staplers (heavy, blunt instruments)....and essentially anything that wouldn't be illegal to give to a prison inmate.

That's a good point, and why I use sugarsync for all of my original artwork files. Much better than burning DVDs. :]

You mean like these?

I have to agree, here. I've been developing with flash for some years now, after a decade of DHTML. HTML 5 (or just "HTML", as the WHATWG wants us to call it now), is the real deal, and it's going to kill Flash eventually. I'd give Flash maybe 4-6 years of life. There's just no point of investing in any extra hardware

You're being thick and argumentative, misconstruing my comments and generally being irritating. None of the points you made above effectively refutes anything I said. For some reason you've latched onto me as some kind of anti-tech zealot, which I am not. I'm not going to bother explaining myself further, as it's

To this day, I am confused as to why I can't go into a brick-and-mortar, find a slick, powerful PC with a good price tag and see Sony written on the chassis. The one person I know who buys Sony PCs receives eye-rolls from the knowledgable when he outs himself for owning a Vaio.

The blowback from losing a paper notebook is minimal compared to losing an expensive tablet device.

"mere mortals"? It's $400!

"A big motivator behind piracy is ease of access to content. And Steam is probably the easiest way to access games, easier than piracy even"

If the distribution model involves just the consumer and the developer, and the developer is going to close up shop, then I imagine that they're either going to do something to allow their existing customers to continue accessing the system. For instance, if Steam shuttered tomorrow, they'd probably update their

While I like the idea of cloud services, I'm still finding it hard to justify using them to any degree since I have a Home Server on my home network, accessible via's DNS service. I have 4.5TB of storage on that drive. That kind of space makes most of these marketing Gigabyte-rushes put on by the cloud