
Wrong site. Fleshbot's over there...

I'm taking one of these to the grave to make my stay in hell more comfortable.

'During that infamous Silicon Valley dinner with Barack Obama, the POTUS asked Steve Jobs, "what would it take to make iPhones in the United States?"'

They could put a white hat on for a change. How about privately helping somebody make their product more secure rather than publicly harming their innocent customer base?

This is hilarious! I used to ask my son why he enjoyed enslaving small creatures to fight in gladatorial matches for his amusement. He looked at me oddly, then shrugged and went back to playing on his DS.

Yep, while it's not as cold as usual here in ATL, it's still too damn cold to go biking outside. BRRrrr!

There's a big difference between the polling rate and the report rate. The polling rate is internal to the electronics of the mouse. The report rate is the transmission of the data from the mouse, through the transport bus (USB, RF wireless, bluetooth, etc.). You could have a 1000Hz polling rate on the mouse, but if

RF is likely going to be 60Hz. One of the RF Microsoft mice I tried actually had a 42Hz rate. Yikes. Paint "bullet sponge" on my forehead?

Funny, when school faculty and parents weren't so paranoid, and people like me carried swiss army knives to school 20 years ago, no one thought I thing about it. No one's eyes were gouged out, veins opened, or any other mischief occurred.

Yes, and if the rumors of Diablo 3 being released around the same time are true, then there'll be another long-hours game to suck us all away from ME3.

I bought the Nike+ app for my iPhone, and tried it out while biking. I looked at the screen and saw the path I'd supposedly biked. 1.21 miles. In real life it was actually 3.3 miles. This happened within sight of one of AT&T's cell phone towers.

I think Apple understands that this is too expensive for the vast majority of students and schools. They're just following their pattern of planting their flag, then reaping the rewards of being established in the market once the costs come down into the realm of sanity. They'll monetize what they can now, and use

Update: it's back up to $49 now. :(

Did anyone expect this to be released on Steam? It's clear that EA is using their top titles to spread Origin's install base. I can understand why they're doing it. Steam is the 800lb. gorilla in digital game delivery. Would you ever have installed Origin if BF3 was available via Steam? I sure as hell wouldn't have.

I have to agree, here. 60fps is quickly becoming a standardized frame rate. James Cameron has been experimenting with 48 and 60fps for his Avatar sequels, IdTech5 is frame locked at 60fps, CoD was tuned for 60fps (conversely, BF3 was tuned for 30fps on consoles; shame on you DICE.)— it's the commonly-agreed-upon point

I practiced Krav Maga for two years, learning several gun disarms. This one (in the Deus Ex video, not Jonn's, which is a very good disarm) would get you killed.

Have the wireless mice finally fixed the lower report rate problem? All the ones I originally tried were 60Hz or less, which simply will not do for an FPS. USB is typically 120Hz.

Victorinox FTW. I've carried a swiss army knife by Victorinox since I was twelve, and being without it is just not an option. It is the most useful thing in my life. I wish that school administrators nowadays were better educated and less paranoid so that I could give my son a small later this year, when he turns

Think that's bad? I have to deal with the brit project manager in my company continually saying, "We need to agree the plan..."