I sure did! There were so many good ones.......
I sure did! There were so many good ones.......
That little record player with the Golden Books is absolutely the sound of my childhood. I used to spend hours in my rooms listening to those things, including the Jungle Book soundtrack.
Hi Mr. Hughes, thank you for the very entertaining series. I am one of those very annoying big sports fans who spends way too much time watching, debating and playing sports. But I have a younger brother who could not care less about any sport, but like you really likes the sports bar food.
I feel really oblivious about this, because I have heard a lot of people talk about the romantic chemistry between Lena and Kara. That would be a fine and interesting story choice, but I just haven’t seen it. I like their friendship and characters, but I haven’t seen the romantic sparks there that others have seen.
I REALLY enjoy all of the CW DC shows, but tight plotting is not their strongest area. In the first couple seasons of Arrow and Flash I was concerned with the plot holes. Now I just sit back and enjoy the ride, accepting that parts of the plot are never gonna make sense. Now I only get upset if it is a truly cavernous…
I never started Twitter, and I check my social media accounts about once every two months to see what my cousins and distant friends are up to. That, a few sports sites, and AV Club is about all I can handle.
I was not commenting on the episode outcome of the episode. I was commenting on the poor attempt at misdirection.
Slade did say that Nyssa was off looking for survivors after the explosion, so I assume she is ok. But if there was word on Talia or Evelyn, I missed it.
“Bad guys are really bad at covering their tracks. Hey, look! They left us a map with their entire plan of attack right on it! What a lucky break-looks like another win for team Arrow!”
And just to clarify my post: I firmly believe Trump is using the flag as a political tool, which is the ultimate disrespect of the Stars and Stripes to me.
Just what I was waiting for: words of wisdom from noted man of faith Donald Trump.
Firefly? Leftovers? West Wing? Sooranos? Even the Justified theme grew on me by the end of the series......
I hate this. Just, everything about this. I am heartbroken for these women and all women who have been treated this way. And I am sad for society, because we have such a long way to go to make sure that everyone feels heard and safe and valued. There is a lot of injustice out there that needs fixing.
No no no. Before The Thinker can be a bad guy, he needs to become a mentor to Barry. THEN he gets super speed. THEN the betrayal is revealed. THEN the team mopes about it with a lot of conversations and secrets from each other.
This soft reboot was completely necessary. When Barry said: “all the pain is gone, you know?”, I wanted to cheer. The last two seasons have been a bit of a slog, so return to the fun is something we can all get behind.
Thank you for your service. Sincerely. I respect it and I respect you.
Assuming that I accept your premise that the NFL follows the same norms as every other workplace (and I don’t, and I know that because there has not been a massive wave of protesting players being fired), nothing you posted has anything to do with how the Vice President of this country should be spending his tax payer…
Respectfully, I think there is a big difference between private citizens planning a protest and the government using valuable time and resources engaging in a stunt in order to score political points.
This is one of the many, many things that is so frustrating about the administration’s flag waving the past two weeks. I understand that the Anthem means different things to different people, and I have no problem with how any American feels they need to handle this: Stand, kneel, never watch the NFL again, whatever.…
I shouldn’t have been so quick to forgive!