
Um according to the NRA that guy is a “student-athlete.”

Shit like this enrages me so much that it makes me want to throw my keyboard against the wall. Which is fine, because the Logitech 2600 Wireless Keyboard is built to sustain impacts of up to 600 pounds of force.

B-Wing is best wing, it’s right there in the name.

I’m sure his appeal will ultimately be successful, but that still won’t help Tom Brady understand why he was dragged into this in the first place.

The context does not at all excuse fans throwing shit at players. You don’t do that ever, even if a player is “acting like a child.” It seriously amazes me that you or anyone else would think that is ever an ok thing to do at a game.

No, shit got thrown at him as he was headed for the tunnel. That’s what caused him to deviate over to start yelling. Then more shit started getting thrown, leading him to try to climb the wall and go Artest on someone.

“Suspended for...”

*throws dart*

“...five games.”

+Roger Goodell+

Further confirms my belief that the ideal response you can get when asking a potential male partner “do you believe in feminism/equality” is “uhh... yeah sure, I guess.”

They’re just copying the Silicon Valley playbook: “invent” something that already exists and claim it’s innovative somehow. Luckily most of those companies have wildly inaccurate valuations that lets everyone ignore the fact that they make no fucking money.

I’m not going to hold her accountable and she is not an abused woman cowering and covering her husband’s faults. However she is married to that man and has to have heard at least some racist jokes, language. So you’ll understand why some of us have misgivings about her and her response comes across as self righteous.

Glad I’m not the only one set off by that. It’s something I hear all the time in the Whole Foods/Alternative medicine town I live in. “my doctor says I have such-and-such moderate to serious illness, but I know I’ll be fine because of all the antioxidants and kombucha that I eat.”

“He decided to try and control his infection via natural means, like healthy eating.”

I have no dog in the fight between the NFL and Jerrah. And I am absolutely loving this back-and-forth in the courts. I hope they continue pushing this case from side-to-side until Elliott has retired.

Consequently, this *might* have been a way I used in the past for getting even with co-workers. Maybe.

Donny 2 Scoops claims he’s a 4 handicap. I was a 2 5 years ago before I had a total shoulder replacement and haven’t so much as picked up a club since. I’ll mortgage my house and bet that orange Julius fuck nut $1,500,000 to play straight up. No 10 foot gimmes, no fucking mulligans, every fucking stroke counts.

Secession is considered illegal here as well. If Texas or California tried to actually secede, there would be tanks in the streets.

They booed at the bar I was in Sunday. At the TV. But no one took off their hat or stood or put down their beer. Which proves the patriotism can’t go through a TV screen. I guess.

yeah but is this the chicken or the egg?

My mom had always wanted a pet monkey; when I was in high school she actually did a bunch of research into it; caring, feeding building a cage and all that. It turned out that, y'know, monkeys aren't actually great as pets or child surrogates! We ended up getting a German exchange student instead.