
Uh is it even possible to film vertical...

This all centers around evidence of Johnson’s reaction, in anticipation of a civil suit. How Johnson reacted has no bearing whatsoever on whether they can successfully prosecute this dude.

Assault requires the threat of physical contact. Not harm. The only way this would not be assault is if Johnson didn’t actually see the pie coming, even for a split second. It most certainly is battery.

Where’d you get your law degree?

lol no, that entire statement is ridiculous.

their half smoke is crap, and the chili tastes canned. Ben’s is possibly the most overrated chain ever

Is this Rose fella some sort of NBA player? Can’t remember him doing anything notable EXCEPT GET INJURED

Yes, if the mental illness manifests itself as treating other people like shit. Mental illness isn’t an acceptable excuse for lying or being flakey. Sometimes a shitty personality is a shitty personality. Dating or being friends with a bipolar person, for example, is not a ton of fun or a healthy thing to subject

Yeah, like any of the other candidates have proposed anything that will be feasible if somehow passed by Congress (Free college, free healthcare, free taco tuesdays)

Yes, because Ali was banned from competing, and sent to PRISON for his actions...

And yes, he did compare himself to Ali by saying he did something “similar,” which is highly debatable. Unlike Ali, Colin is not violating the law, nor risking his livelihood and freedom for his beliefs.

If you really *need* to get somewhere... damn, use a car... or take the train. The fact is you are doing something extremely dangerous, and putting the burden of avoiding your dumb ass on a complete stranger who is just trying to get somewhere same as you. And then writing them off as a shitty driver in the event

I dunno man, I’ve seen a lot of cyclists “not share the road,” sometimes to the point of being purposefully obstinate... which is essentially what you are doing by being a rolling roadblock in the middle of a lane. I live in a very bike friendly state where impeding traffic in any type of vehicle is still illegal.

It’s extremely one-sided when it comes to stop signs. Cyclists everywhere blow through them without even slowing down. Can’t remember the last time I saw one stop. Hard to say that cyclists safer and more attentive than motorists when 95% of them intentionally run stop signs and stoplights

The only people for whom getting to a baseball game on time isn’t a huge pain in the ass are 1) schoolchildren, 2) retirees and 3) the unemployed

May be shocking, but some people have more important things to worry about than global warming, such as paying the mortgage and saving for retirement.

sell it at your local gun show. actual war trophies will start an actual bidding war

The entire premise of this article is that Stupid is somehow a byword for Poor. I think that assumption reveals more about the author than Idiocracy. There are many highly intelligent people who lack the skills or motivation to make a decent living. There are also many idiots who were born rich or end up rich because

Yeah but tbh the Demos aren’t going to fix ANY of those things in the next 4 years. However they almost certainly will raise federal taxes on the wealthy. So if the choice is between feel-good empty promises, and saving a few million bucks in taxes, I don’t really blame him. Saying you are going to make humans less

how the fuck is it legal for a 15 y/o to be a CEO ... he can’t even sue or settle without parental permission

No problem with that, I’m totally okay with not having to walk past a guy with an assault rifle on my way back from the beer stand

Notable that she has no problem mentioning that Metzger is “short,” which is essentially the equivalent of a hetero male calling a woman “fat”...